Renovare Books for Spiritual Formation | Renovaré

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25 Books Every Christian Should Read
Julia L. Roller
A Different Way
Christopher A. Hall
A Long Obedience in the Same Direction
Eugene H. Peterson
A Mile in My Shoes
Trevor Hudson
A Peculiar Orthodoxy
Jeremy S. Begbie
Abandonment to Divine Providence
Jean-Pierre de Caussade
Abandonment to Divine Providence (Classics with Commentary)
Jean-Pierre de Caussade
Advent and Christmas Wisdom from G.K. Chesterton
G.K. Chesterton
Advent and Christmas Wisdom from Henri J.M. Nouwen
Henri J. M. Nouwen
Analog Church
Jay Y. Kim
Apprenticeship with Jesus
Gary Moon
Peter J. Leinhart
Alvyn Pettersen
Khaled Anatolios
Athanasius: A Theological Introduction
Thomas G. Weinandy
Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth
Walter Brueggemann
Be Kind to Yourself
Cindy Bunch
Beautiful Vessels
Bakht Singh, Sojourner Truth, Richard J. Foster, Tina Dyer, Grace Pouch
Becoming Dallas Willard
Gary Moon
Beginner's Bible
Beholding the Glory
Jeremy S. Begbie
Beyond Loneliness
Trevor Hudson
Bread and Wine
G.K. Chesterton, Frederick Buechner, Philip Yancey, Thomas Merton, C.S. Lewis, Henri J. M. Nouwen, Augustine
Breaking the Rules
Fil Anderson
Bright Evening Star
Madeleine L'Engle
Brothers Karamazov
Fyodor Dostoevsky
Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies
Marilyn McEntyre
Casting a Vision
Richard J. Foster
Celebration of Discipline
Richard J. Foster
Celebration of Discipline, Special Anniversary Edition
Richard J. Foster
Celtic Blessings
Ray Simpson
Celtic Daily Prayer
Northumbria Community
Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places
Eugene H. Peterson
Christmas Instrumental
Spencer Capier
Christmas: An Irrational Season
Carolyn Arends
Christmas: The Story of Stories
Carolyn Arends
Classic Christianity
Thomas Oden
Clinging: The Experience of Prayer
Emilie Griffin
Color-Courageous Discipleship
Michelle Sanchez
Common Prayer Pocket Edition
Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Shane Claiborne
Confessions of St. Augustine
Connecting with God
Julia L. Roller, Lynda L. Graybeal
Crafting a Rule of Life
Steve Macchia
Culture Making
Andy Crouch
Deep-Rooted in Christ
Joshua Choonmin Kang
Devotional Classics
Richard J. Foster, James Bryan Smith
Disciplines of the Holy Spirit
Siang-Yang Tan, Douglas H. Gregg
Discovering Our Spiritual Identity
Trevor Hudson
Discovering Soul Care
Mindy Caliguire
Divine Conspiracy: Jesus' Master Class for Life
Dallas Willard, John Ortberg
Do Life With Me Songbook
Brian Hindman
Doors Into Prayer
Emilie Griffin
Eat This Book
Eugene H. Peterson
Embracing the Body
Tara M. Owens
Embracing the Love of God
James Bryan Smith
Kai Nilsen, Renovaré Team
Eternal Living
Gary Moon
Evangelical, Sacramental, and Pentecostal
Gordon T. Smith
Even the Sparrow
Jill Weber
Every Moment Holy: Volume II
Douglas McKelvey
Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ
Jeanne Guyon
Experiencing the Trinity
Darrell Johnson
Faith Like a Child
Lacy Finn Borgo
Falling for God
Gary Moon
Fearfully and Wonderfully
Philip Yancey, Paul Brand
Fifty-Seven Words That Change The World
Darrell Johnson
Finding Quiet
J.P. Moreland
First Nations Version New Testament
Terry Wildman
Following the Call
Charles E. Moore
For Everything a Season
Nilsen Family
For the Beauty of the Earth
Steven Bouma-Prediger
Formed for the Glory of God
Kyle Strobel
Freedom of Simplicity
Richard J. Foster
Full Service
Siang-Yang Tan
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Glittering Vices
Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
God in My Everything
Ken Shigematsu
God is in the Manger
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
God is on the Cross
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
God is with Us
Robin Wilson
God Speaks Through Wombs
Drew Jackson
God with Us
Gregory Wolfe, Greg Pennoyer
God-Soaked Life
Chris Webb
God's Chosen Fast
Arthur Wallis
Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life
John Calvin
Good Dirt: Advent, Christmastide & Epiphany (Volume 1)
Lacy Finn Borgo, Ben Barczi
Good Dirt: Lent, Holy Week & Eastertide (Volume 2)
Lacy Finn Borgo, Ben Barczi
Green Leaves for Later Years
Emilie Griffin
Guigo II: Ladder of Monks and Twelve Meditations
Guigo II
Habits of a Child's Heart
Valerie E. Hess
He Saw That It Was Good
Sho Baraka
Francis MacNutt
Hearing God
Dallas Willard
Hearing God DVD with Discussion Guide
Dallas Willard
Hearing God Through The Year
Dallas Willard
Hidden in Christ
James Bryan Smith
Holy Listening
Margaret Guenther
Holy Spirit Here and Now
Trevor Hudson
Hope Beyond Your Tears
Trevor Hudson, Dallas Willard
How to Pray
Pete Greig
Richard J. Foster, Andrew Murray, Brenda Quinn
I Believe in the Holy Spirit
David Watson, Michael Green
I Told Me So
Gregg A. Ten Elshof
I'm Still Here
Austin Channing Brown
Images of God for Young Children
Marie-Helene Delval, Barbara Nascimbeni
Renovaré Team, Grace Pouch
In the Name of Jesus
Henri J. M. Nouwen
Michael Card
Intercultural Ministry
Grace Ji-Sun Kim
Interior Castle
Teresa of Avila
Interior Castle
Teresa of Avila
Invitations of Jesus
Trevor Hudson
Jesus and the Disinherited
Howard Thurman
Journal of John Woolman
John Woolman
Journey of the Spirit
Trevor Hudson, Morton Kelsey
Journey to the Heart
Frank Jelenek, Ann Boyajian
Kneeling in Bethlehem
Ann Weems
Knowing Christ Today
Dallas Willard
La Oracion
Richard J. Foster
Leadership Ellipse
Robert A. Fryling
Learning from Henri Nouwen and Vincent van Gogh
Carol Berry
Learning from Jesus: A Spiritual Formation Guide
Julia L. Roller, Lynda L. Graybeal
Learning Humility
Richard J. Foster
Learning Theology with the Church Fathers
Christopher A. Hall
Learning to Be
Juanita Campbell Rasmus
Learning to Hear God
Dallas Willard, Trevor Hudson, Brian Morykon, Grace Pouch
Lent and Easter Wisdom from G.K. Chesterton
G.K. Chesterton
Lent and Easter Wisdom from Henri J. M. Nouwen
Henri J. M. Nouwen
Lent for Everyone: Matthew, Year A
N.T. Wright
Less is More
Kai Nilsen
Let Go
François Fénelon
Letters by a Modern Mystic
Frank Laubach
Life in the Trinity
Donald Fairbairn
Life of the Beloved
Henri J. M. Nouwen
Life Path
Luci Shaw
Life Together
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Life with God
Richard J. Foster
Life with God for Children Curriculum
Lacy Finn Borgo
Life with God Spiritual Formation Bible
Life without Lack
Dallas Willard
Listening to the Groans
Trevor Hudson, Stephen D. Bryant
Liturgies for Hope
Elizabeth Moore, Audrey Elledge
Liturgy of the Ordinary
Tish Harrison Warren
Living in Christ's Presence
Dallas Willard
Living the Mission: A Spiritual Formation Guide
Julia L. Roller, Lynda L. Graybeal
Living Wisely with the Church Fathers
Christopher A. Hall
Longing for God
Richard J. Foster, Gayle D. Beebe
Madame Guyon: Her Autobiography (condensed & modernized)
Jeanne Guyon, Jan Johnson
Mansions of the Heart
Thomas Ashbrook
Manual de Formacion Espiritual
James Bryan Smith, Lynda L. Graybeal
Meditations on the Birth of Jesus
Miriam Dixon, Margaret Campbell
Meeting God in Scripture
Jan Johnson
Mere Christianity
C.S. Lewis
Mom Seeks God
Julia L. Roller
My Utmost for His Highest
Oswald Chambers
Mythical Me
Richella Parham
Names for the Messiah
Walter Brueggemann
On the Incarnation (Popular Patristics Series)
One Day at a Time
Trevor Hudson
Open and Unafraid: The Psalms as a Guide to Life
David Taylor
G.K. Chesterton
Out of the House of Bread
Preston Yancey
Paul, the Spirit, and the People of God
Gordon D. Fee
Pauses for Advent
Trevor Hudson
Pauses for Lent
Trevor Hudson
Pensées and Other Writings
Blaise Pascal
Leah Kostamo
Catherine Doherty
Power Healing
Kevin Springer, John Wimber
Practicing the Way of Jesus
Mark Scandrette
Prayer and Worship
Julia L. Roller, Lynda L. Graybeal
Prayer in the Night
Tish Harrison Warren
Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home
Richard J. Foster
Prayers for Each and Every Day
Sophie Piper
Prayers for the Pilgrimage
W. David O. Taylor
Prayers From the Heart
Richard J. Foster
Praying in Color
Sybil MacBeth
Preparing for Heaven
Gary Black Jr.
Preparing for Jesus: Meditations on the Coming of Christ, Advent, Christmas and the Kingdom
Walter Wangerin
Prophetic Lament
Soong-Chan Rah
Psalms for Young Children
Marie-Helene Delval
Questions God Asks Us
Trevor Hudson
Raw Spirituality
Tom Smith
Timothy Fry, ed.
Reading Scripture with the Church Fathers
Christopher A. Hall
Real Kids, Real Faith
Karen Marie Yust
Reality of the Spiritual World
Thomas R. Kelly
Reconstructing the Gospel
Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove
Makoto Fujimura
Reliving the Passion
Walter Wangerin
Renew Your Life
Kai Nilsen
Renovation of the Church
Kent Carlson, Mike Lueken
Renovation of the Heart
Dallas Willard
Renovation of the Heart in Daily Practice
Jan Johnson, Dallas Willard
Resonant Witness
Jeremy S. Begbie
Resounding Truth
Jeremy S. Begbie
Retirement as Spiritual Pilgrimage
Jerry P. Haas, R. Jack Hansen
Revolution of Character
Dallas Willard
Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger
Ronald J. Sider
Sacrament of the Present Moment
Jean-Pierre de Caussade
Sacred Reading
Michael Casey
Sacred Rhythms
Ruth Haley Barton
Sanctuary of the Soul
Richard J. Foster
Seeking God
Trevor Hudson
Seeking God's Face Prayer Book
Philip F. Reinders
Seeking the Kingdom
Richard J. Foster
Seeking the Secret Place
Lyle W. Dorsett
Shaped by the Word
M. Robert Mulholland, Jr.
Shaping a Life of Significance for Retirement
Jerry P. Haas, R. Jack Hansen
Show Me the Way
Henri J. M. Nouwen
Julian of Norwich
Mindy Caliguire
Simply Jesus
N.T. Wright
Small Surrenders
Emilie Griffin
Soul Care in African American Practice
Barbara Peacock
Soul Keeping
John Ortberg
Soul Searching
Mindy Caliguire
Souls in Full Sail
Emilie Griffin
Spiritual Classics
Richard J. Foster, Emilie Griffin
Spiritual Conversations with Children
Lacy Finn Borgo
Spiritual Disciplines Devotional
Valerie E. Hess
Spiritual Disciplines Handbook
Adele Calhoun
Spiritual Formation
Henri J. M. Nouwen
Spiritual Friendship
Mindy Caliguire
Stages of the Soul
Nancy Kane
Streams of Living Water
Richard J. Foster
Strength to Love
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Surprised by the Power of the Spirit
Jack Deere
Taste of the Classics, A, Vol. 1
Ken Boa
Taste of the Classics, A, Vol. 2
Ken Boa
The Celtic Way of Prayer
Esther De Waal
The Collected Sermons of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Isabel Best
The Collected Works of G.K. Chesterton, Vol. 1
G.K. Chesterton
The Collected Works of G.K. Chesterton, Vol. 2
G.K. Chesterton
The Desert Fathers
Benedicta Ward
The Discerning Life
Steve Macchia
The Eternal Promise
Thomas R. Kelly
The Examen Prayer
Timothy Gallagher
The Great Divorce
C.S. Lewis
The Lord and His Prayer
N.T. Wright
The Narrow Path
Rich Villodas
The Ninefold Path of Jesus
Mark Scandrette
The Unnecessary Pastor
Marva Dawn, Eugene H. Peterson
Theology in Aisle Seven
Carolyn Arends
Through Gates of Splendor
Elisabeth Elliot
To Love as God Loves
Roberta C Bondi
Rudy Rasmus
Touching Wonder
John Blase
Toward God
Michael Casey
True Impressions
Richella Parham, Sally Kendrick, Grace Pouch
Turning of Days
Hannah Anderson
Twelve Lies That Hold America Captive: And the Truth That Sets Us Free
Jonathan P. Walton
Unless You Become Like This Child
Hans Urs Von Balthasar
Rebecca Konyndyk DeYoung
Watch for the Light
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Thomas Merton, Annie Dillard
Water from a Deep Well
Gerald Sittser
Way to Live
Dorothy C. Bass, Don C. Richter
What is My Song?
Dennis Linn, Sheila Linn, Matt Linn
Where the Light Fell
Philip Yancey
Whistling in the Dark
Frederick Buechner
White Awake
Daniel Hill
Whole Prayer
Walter Wangerin
Why We Can't Wait
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Wilderness Time
Emilie Griffin
Winds of Heaven, Stuff of Earth
Andrew Greer, Randy Cox, Carolyn Arends, Amy Grant
Madeleine L'Engle, Luci Shaw
Wisdom Chaser
Nathan Foster
Wonderful and Dark is this Road
Emilie Griffin
Worshiping with the Church Fathers
Christopher A. Hall
Worth Celebrating
Miriam Dixon
Wrestling with Angels
Carolyn Arends
You Are What You Love
James K.A. Smith
Yours, Jack
C.S. Lewis
The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage
John of Ruysbroeck
The Allure of Gentleness
Dallas Willard
The Arts and the Christian Imagination
Clyde S Kilby
An Autobiography
J. Hudson Taylor
A Beautiful Disaster
Marlena Graves
A Burning in My Bones
Winn Collier
The Challenge of the Disciplined Life
Richard J. Foster
The Cloud of Unknowing
The Complete Julian of Norwich
Father John Julian OJN, ed.
The Cost of Discipleship
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The Cradle and the Crown
G. Richard Thompson, Susan M. Fisher, Stacey Gleddiesmith
The Cross and the Lynching Tree
James H. Cone
The Cycle of Grace
Trevor Hudson, Jerry P. Haas
A Dallas Willard Dictionary
Elane O'Rourke
The Dangerous Act of Loving Your Neighbor
Mark Labberton
The Dangerous Act of Worship
Mark Labberton
The Deeply Formed Life
Rich Villodas
A Diary of Private Prayer
John Baillie
The Discernment of Spirits
Timothy Gallagher
The Divine Conspiracy
Dallas Willard
The Divine Conspiracy Continued
Dallas Willard, Gary Black Jr.
The Eternal Journey
Jonathan Bailey
The Fire of the Word
Chris Webb
The Four Loves
C.S. Lewis
The Gift of the Magi
O. Henry
The Good and Beautiful Community
James Bryan Smith
The Good and Beautiful God
James Bryan Smith
The Good and Beautiful Life
James Bryan Smith
The Gospel of Christmas
Patty Kirk
The Great Omission
Dallas Willard
The Healing Gifts of the Spirit
Agnes Sanford
The Healing Light
Agnes Sanford
The Hiding Place
Corrie ten Boom
The Imitation of Christ
William C. Creasy, Thomas à Kempis
The Imitation of Christ
Thomas à Kempis, Ronald Knox
An Introduction to the Desert Fathers (Cascade Companions)
Jason Byassee
The Inward Journey
Howard Thurman
The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical
Shane Claiborne
The Jesus Way
Eugene H. Peterson
The Journal and Major Essays of John Woolman
Phillips P. Moulton
The Kingdom and the Cross
James Bryan Smith
The Kingdom of God
John Bright
The Kingdom of God Teaching Series
Dallas Willard
The Life of Antony and the Letter To Marcellinus
The Life of the Body
Valerie E. Hess, Lane M. Arnold
Life with God Spiritual Formation Bible with Deuterocanonical Books (Leatherlike Cover)
A Light Has Dawned
Carolyn Arends, Philip Yancey, Walter Wangerin, Eugene H. Peterson, And Others
The Luminous Darkness
Howard Thurman
The Magnificent Story
James Bryan Smith
The Making Of An Ordinary Saint
Nathan Foster
A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Ninth Edition
Kate L. Turabian
The Mystery of God
Christopher A. Hall
The Myth of Certainty
Daniel Taylor
The Narrative of Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth
The New Jim Crow
Michelle Alexander
The Practice of the Presence of God
Brother Lawrence
The Prayer God Answers
Eberhard Arnold, Richard J. Foster
The Pursuit of God
A.W. Tozer
The Reservoir
Christopher A. Hall, Carolyn Arends, Brian Morykon, Renovaré Team
The Return of the Prodigal Son
Henri J. M. Nouwen
The Rule of St. Benedict
Saint Benedict
The Sacred Journey
Frederick Buechner
The Screwtape Letters
C.S. Lewis
The Secret of Guidance
F.B. Meyer
The Seeking Heart
François Fénelon
The Serenity Prayer
Trevor Hudson
A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life
William Law
The Shattered Lantern
Ronald Rolheiser
A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer
Jim Manney
The Skeptical Believer
Daniel Taylor
The Souls of Black Folk
W.E.B. DuBois
The Spirit of the Disciplines
Dallas Willard
A Spiritual Formation Primer
Richella Parham
A Spiritual Formation Workbook
James Bryan Smith, Lynda L. Graybeal
The Story of the Other Wise Man
Henry van Dyke
A Testament of Devotion
Thomas R. Kelly
The Universe in 57 Words
Carolyn Arends
The Upside-Down Kingdom
Donald B. Kraybill
The Velveteen Rabbit
Margery Williams
The Very Good Gospel
Lisa Sharon Harper
The Way of Grace
Glandion Carney
Way of a Pilgrim and a Pilgrim Continues His Way, The
Helen Bacovcin
A Year with God
Richard J. Foster, Julia L. Roller
Richard J. Foster, Charles E. Moore, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Dallas Willard, And Others