Retirement as Spiritual Pilgrimage | Renovaré

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Retirement as Spiritual Pilgrimage

Stories, Scripture, and Practices for the Journey

by Jerry P. Haas, R. Jack Hansen

Retirement as Spiritual Pilgrimage: Stories, Scripture, and Practices for the Journey” offers a Christian perspective on the personal dimensions of preparing for and living life beyond full-time work. First-person accounts of retirees, reflections on relevant passages of Scripture, and suggested spiritual practices provide insight and guidance for each phase of this journey. Questions for reflection and discussion at the end of each chapter make this book suitable for use by both individuals and small groups (e.g., adult classes, small group studies.)



This engaging read has awakened a desire for creativity in my "retired life of seven years.." If I had read the suggestions for practicing prayerful discernment as I prepared for retirement, I may have stimulated this desire and need for renewing life at this rich time of my journey. The book will be a useful reflection guide for retirees before, during and when seeking renewal!
Joan Stoffel, --Amazon Review

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