Online Christian Spiritual Formation Book Club | Renovaré
Renovaré Book Club Logo

A Journey of Renewal

The Renovaré Book Club is a journey of renewal for and with people seeking depth in God.

Book Club registration is closed. Sign up to get notified when the 2025-26 season launches!

A note from Carolyn Arends, Renovaré Director of Education

Life is full and our minds are distracted.

It's hard to find time for deep reading and reflection that forms you in the way of Jesus.

And even if you do make time… What should you read? How can you stay focused? Where can you find others to read with?

We've been there.

That's why we created the Renovaré Book Club.

It's an intentional journey through four carefully selected books to help you create space in your mind and heart for God to work.

For decades, Renovaré has curated the best of Christian writing through the centuries to help people like you grow spiritually.

And when we say “grow spiritually,” we don't mean becoming an expert at meditating on a mountain. (Even though we're all for some Jesus-centered mountain meditation.)

We're talking about a deeper friendship with God and Holy Spirit-empowered change that shows up in how you interact with yourself, your family, even your enemies.

And while a good book doesn't guarantee spiritual growth, God often uses the right book at the right time to spark lifeespecially when you read and pray and discuss in community.

The Renovaré Book Club combines curated books, a guided path, and a reading community into a journey of renewal. We hope you'll join us.

Carolyn Signature

Thousands of people have experienced the Renovaré Book Club. They tell us things like this...

“There was something from each book that was a blessing. I was challenged in my faith, encouraged that I was not alone in trying to understand how to walk with Jesus in a authentic way.”

When you join the Renovaré Book Club, you’re embarking on a journey of spiritual renewal through...

Member testimonial:

“Great book selections. Great book resources. Great community. It creates deep roots and leafy branches of spiritual formation.”

More member testimonials:

“Worth investing in to build a rhythm of thoughtful engagement with your faith.
Great book selections. Great book resources. Great community. It creates deep roots and leafy branches of spiritual formation.”
“The Renovare Book Club offers helpful, useful content at a nice pace. I feel like I am reading with friends who keep me on track and offer incredible insight into what we are reading.
“I like the accountability of reading a book with a group.”
It’s a safe place to be challenged and encouraged. Exposed me to new authors and content that pushed my boundaries. I will do another year for sure!”
I’ve been looking for a book club like this for a long time! Great variety of books from theological classics, spiritual practices, and biography.”
“Very engaging, stretching, and enlightening!”
“Solid mix of books; practical, theological, soul and heart feeding. Terrific resources and accountability as well.”
“Always a good selection of books, new & old. Great resources, podcasts, etc. An excellent way to keep learning and going deeper in your relationship with the Lord.”
We’re seeking God hard and at a level previously unknown. The bonding and love that [the Book Club] facilitated as we put our heads together and work out our salvation… Priceless.”
“Being introduced to books that I normally would not read. It stretched me spiritually. It was a growing and great experience.”
“It broadened my diversity experience in the Church.”
Finding like-minded Christians trying to thrive in a consumer-driven environment”
“I gained insights into love, perseverance thru suffering, thankfulness, non-violence, understanding the thinking of ancient times…”
“These books helped me to more fully understand the presence of God in my life and begin to include Him more in my daily experiences.”
I was challenged to rethink my walk with the Lord and draw closer to him through more meaningful prayer and transformation of my mind.”
“It was a real blessing to read things I would not normally read and be able to discuss them with new friends. It greatly expanded the benefit derived from each book due to the broadened perspective of other believers. Also, it was fun to share time with other book nerds like me! 😁”
“In addition to reading four books (yay!), I have noticed my shift in thinking.… becoming closer to Jesus. It was very beneficial.”
“Meeting with a group of people who were reading and wrestling with the material alongside me made for rich conversations. Others took notice of things that I missed.”
Even more...

Book Club registration is closed. Sign up to get notified when the 2025-26 season launches!