Life Path | Renovaré

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Life Path

Personal and Spiritual Growth Through Journal Writing

by Luci Shaw

Life has a way of slipping away while we’re not looking. And many of us are so numbed by mundane routine that we hardly miss its passing. Keeping a journal can bring it all back … * Those timeless moments when the mists part and you catch a glimpse of a loving Father. * Those rare insights where you suddenly see your life from a new perspective. * those welcome moments when the pain subsides and the healing begins. 

Life Path will be a delight equally to inveterate journal keepers like me, and to those who’ve often thought they might like to keep a journal, but haven’t known how to go about it.” — Madeleine L’Engle 

Luci Shaw is author of eight volumes of poetry, among them Listen to the Green, Water Lines, and Polishing the Petoskey Stone. Her other books include Water My Soul and God in the Dark: Through Grief and Beyond. Since 1988 she has been adjunct faculty member and Writer in Residence at Regent College in Vancouver, British Columbia.


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