Every Renovaré Institute student concludes the program with the submission of a final project. The only parameter for the project is that it has the potential to touch at least one hundred other people with some of the what the student has learned at the RI.
The projects are as delightful and unique as the students who create them. Enjoy perusing the Project Database!
Note: Alumni who are willing to be contacted by RI students (or fellow alum) will have email addresses listed with their entries.
Are you an alum who has not yet submitted your project to the database? Why not do that now?
In this contribution to the topic of grief and grieving, the opportunity for spiritual transformation and the restoration of your soul is suggested.
It is an intended offering to share the road with every human being who will also find themselves on the same journey.
That is the hope that inspires every disciple to grieve differently than the world – to grieve with transformational hope.
I gathered with a small group of women who have been harmed by some of the interpretations of Jesus' encounters with women and together we reimagined new liberating interpretations.
This project was written in light of those gatherings and includes:
The book is meant to examine how everyone is being spiritually formed in the workplace.
The opportunities for growth, the challenges, and the real-world practices that might help us take control of the process.
Using examples from my own life in the rough and tumble world of Hollywood, I examine different areas where we might invite God in more actively to engage life as it is actually lived in and around our jobs.
The project was birthed out of a realization that God can be directly encountered and intuited.
I used Tozer's "Pursuit of God" as and "outline".
My idea was to take Pursuit of God by Tozer and bring more insight and practical application out of it, with the overarching theme being encounter.
A aphoristic travel log that explores the spiritual discipline of celebrating a Sabbath Year in the form of international travel.
I Formed is not a call to abandon the digital world but to raise awareness that the benefits and unintended consequences of our technologies are a spiritual formation.
As we have been formed around the values inherent in our technologies and lost something of what it means to be fully alive and fully human, we can be re-awakened by intentionally pursuing and cultivating a life with God as an apprentice of Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.
This project explores what it means to love God with your mind, some practical disciplines that help us love God with our minds, and then provides vision for how our lives are fruitful when we do.
I prepared a book proposal for Intervarsity Press on the discipline of prayer.
Since prayer is the heart of the Christian experience of life with God, it seemed appropriate to capture what was experienced in my prayer life through the Renovaré experience.
Taking inspiration from Matthew 13.31-33, Richard Foster’s Streams of Living Water, and my own life events, I am enamored with the idea of gathering around a table or stove and sharing discussions about the truest parts of ourselves.
Sharing the most unadulterated—albeit sometimes confusing—bits of our faith in order to seek commonality with and encouragement from others is the goal of all the exercises found in this cookbook.
I have written a proposal for a book of spiritual formation children's sermons.
For faith communities that include this sort of teaching format, in worship or children's church, it offers another tool to support spiritual formation.
Many of us have an interest in our own spiritual formation, but we don't know where to start or we just randomly take a stab at some spiritual practices. This book shows you a plan and walks you through each step.
You may be dealing with:
Or maybe you just know in your heart that something is missing from your life. Maybe you just crave a deeper, more personal relationship with God. This book can put you on a well-traveled path that will awaken your spirit, change your life, and allow you to experience a sense of peace, joy, and love that you have been missing. The best part is that the journey can be fun, exhilarating, and fulfilling.
From the Inside-Out proposes, “The love of God is revealed in the world when intentional followers of Jesus joyfully discover together how to love God, love others, and make disciples, and - coupled with increasing self-knowledge - begin to experience the personal transformation to a new self-identity: beloved child of God.”
This project is the manuscript of the first two books of four, intended to walk micro-groups (just 2 or 3 people) through a transformational, relational process of discipleship and disciple-making.
Like three strands of a braided rope, Integrated Discipleship entwines:
Throughout my time in the Renovaré Institute I shared my experiences and education with the congregation to whom I serve as pastor through sermons, liturgies, and essays.
For my final project I curated these resources and compiled them into a book. I included an introduction which explained how I wound up in Renovaré as well as a conclusion in which I offered an evaluation of the resources presented.
In Out of Zion, I invite my reader to journey with me deep into the culture and theology through my story. Set in narrative, my reader gains wisdom about the importance of understanding culture when sharing the Gospel.
In addition, through my search of the Bible and eventual conversion to historical biblical Christianity, the reader gains a vivid understanding of the biblical and Mormon plans of salvation, equipping him/her to engage compassionately and successfully with Mormons.
Find my book on Amazon: Out of Zion
This resource manual is a compilation of over fifty individual prayer exercises.
My project discusses how to be in relationship with God, self and other.
It encompasses:
It discusses the integration of all three aspects.
It addresses the disciplines as we were taught in the Institute.
The book resources much from Dallas Willard on the subject of work and answers the questions:
As I implement my learning at RI, I see Christian growth or discipleship not as much as the traditional, performance-based program, but relationship-based with Jesus' "Love God, Love Others" as the goal and develop from the heart level to the whole personal transformation.
I have since developed:
They are available only through bookstores that sell Chinese Christian books. The Chinese sermons can only be assessed through my church website.
An 8 week course for small groups modelled on the Alpha course structure.
The book is to be published in July 2017. An accompanying DVD series and interactive app are slated for production and release in 2018.
Translating the Good and Beautiful God, life, and Community books to the Arabic language.
A Beautiful Disaster: Finding Hope in the Midst of Brokenness examines how God uses suffering to form us into the image of Christ. It was voted the 'Best Book on Spiritual Formation by a First-time Author' by Hearts and Minds books in 2014.
A man dying of cancer answers some tough questions about his relationships with:
The book describes human nature in the Kingdom of the World and the psychospiritual states that are problematic or less than ideal...
Each person is fearfully and wonderfully made. A staggering feature of God’s design for us is that we are capable of hosting God’s Spirit and expressing the Spirit’s life and love in our everyday existence.
It is important that we not only celebrate the great traditions of Christian Faith in Jesus’ ministry and through the history of the church, but also intentionally embody and participate in these Streams as apprentices of Jesus today.
This resource explores how the various parts of our person can be aligned and animated by God’s Spirit so that the wisdom, grace, presence and compassion of God can flow through us in greater measure.
A one-month, 31 day prayer book/devotional resource focussing on the central goal of God's desire for human beings - transformation into Christlikeness - summed up in George Macdonald's prayer "Take me and make a little Christ of me".
Each day follows the same format, containing:
Additional Note: I would be delighted if any who use this resource would be willing to send me quotations/reflections on spiritual formation which they have found impacting on them which may be included in further 'editions'/expansions of this project. Also a sense of what, if anything, they found most helpful in the resource.
I developed an online program for spiritual direction with an emphasis on listening for the Kingdom of God in conversations.
This course seeks to cultivate a holistic understanding of Christian discipleship and spirituality as it explores a wide range of topics related to personal and social transformation, spiritual practices and life in the Kingdom of God.
The biblical, theological, and practical dimensions of Christian spiritual formation will be examined. This will include an exploration of how the Church has practiced its faith in various contexts and centuries.
This course will focus on the task of Christian spiritual formation into the image of Christ; making ourselves available for ongoing growth and learning as we live out our understanding of the implications of the imago dei (Genesis 1:27) as followers of Jesus.
Christian spiritual formation is not a formula that can be taught; it is a process that is completely qualitative and dependent upon the work of the Holy Spirit and takes place only in the context of an ongoing relationship with the Holy Spirit.
For these reasons, this course will focus on equipping the learner with an understanding of and practices with the tools that help one to be available to and cooperative with the presence and work of the Holy Spirit as the Spirit promotes in us Christ-like character.
This project was an adaptation of L. Dee Fink's taxonomy of significant learning for Christian higher education. It is based on Dallas Willard's position that everyone receives a spiritual formation and Gordon T. Smith's corresponding statement that everything that happens in theological education is formative, not just the inclusion of "spiritual formation courses".
Since the goal of Christian education is transformation into Christ-likeness, what seems to be lacking in Christian higher education is an integrative taxonomy for learning objectives that guides course design in discovering and maximizing the formative potential for all aspects of learning with the goal of producing transformative learning.
TST meets one full Saturday a month with triad contacts between during the month.
The first year introduces basic elements of formation, focused on prayer, spiritual disciplines and tracing through the Bible with a focus on the Covenants.
The second year focuses on the teachings and mentorship of authors such as Dallas Willard, John Ortberg, Richard and Nathan Foster, and St. Benedict and Ignatius.
Year three focuses on how to live in the culture as disciples of Christ.
The program is intentionally limited to no more than 20 and is ecumenical in nature—not affiliated with any specific church or denomination.
A six week video series using Psalm 23 as the structure for understanding and growing in spiritual formation. It includes a 12-15 minute video each week with a weekly spiritual health challenge.
Weekly topics include:
This video series was made for those who are new to spiritual formation and language. Original video series was aired live on Wednesday evenings online with a host who answered questions followed by me (Sun) who came on after the video to answer any further questions.
This is a 4 session course teaching disciples of Jesus how to pray.
Each session combines teaching with a prayer practice for homework.
This project used twelve in person sessions incorporating teaching and praying the rosary to build a bridge between the traditional Rosary, as prayed by Roman Catholics, and the teaching on spiritual formation of Dallas Willard and Richard Foster.
Framing the Rosary as a spiritual formation practice enabled a largely Catholic audience to encounter Willard's and Foster's teachings in an accessible way. It deepened their experience with the rosary.
The non-Catholics were able to see the rosary as a spiritual practice in a way that was easier to understand.
The series was designed to be done in a quarter.
From my prospectus: In 2003, Dallas Willard was the first keynote speaker for the 53rd ACSI Annual Teachers' Convention in Anaheim. During that speech, Dallas said, "We have to have Christian schools because Christians have a body of knowledge that no one else has...it is not a defensive act...[Christian schools are] trying to address real issues of life..."
I (D. Lang) believe there is value in bringing into the private Christian school K-12 classroom the teachings of Christian spiritual formation and disciplines and how to become like Jesus as taught throughout the International Renovaré Institute. These students spiritually formed in Christ-likeness will then go on into their respective vocations, bringing the good news of "the kingdom of God within contemporary society" and "closing the sacred-secular divide" (Willard, DVC xvii).
I created and led a workshop, Befriending Sorrow, to explore biblical lament and how it can be a doorway to closeness to God and others. This included personal stories of my journey through grief, how it formed my understanding of God, and how I understand lament as vital in developing honesty before God.
The workshop concludes with teaching participants how to write a personal psalm of lament (inspired by Psalm 13), and giving participants time to explore lament as a doorway to intimacy with God.
I then created a liturgy for our community’s first The Longest Night service. Part of the liturgy included the psalms of lament written by participants in the Befriending Sorrow workshops.
The study of Colossians is similar to bible studies currently in use in that participants study the book of Colossians for 10 weeks.
However, some of the differences involve the use of lectio divina, questions such as:
A variety of spiritual formation practices and opportunities to pray and learn with one's body, with one's art, etc.
Interviews were conducted with youth ages 11-15 years old, to explore their connection with God. Responses were summarized and evaluated.
Swimming in the Streams is a series of spiritual formation study guides targeted towards local Adult Christian/Spiritual Formation programs within local churches and prayerfully beyond who are seeking ways to invite members into serious, deeper apprenticeship with Christ.
The first study---the book itself, Streams of Living Water---gives an overall introduction to and explanation of each Stream and how all six Streams flow together as means of modeling Jesus Christ. Then follow six individual book studies, one book representing each Stream. Each book study is broken into weekly meetings or into overall themes within the book.
The model presented here for classes and groups around these rich books is just that—a model:
The studies here are designed to be taught over Zoom but could easily be adapted for in-person teaching.
U2raDaughter is designed to be an ongoing group for women (easily be adapted for men) based on the model of Fellowship of the Burning Heart. The purpose is to develop a relationship with Jesus by engaging in Gospel passages Lectio Divina style for each gathering, and by developing fellowship with each other through deep sharing.
The opening passage is from Matthew 11:28-30, followed by scripted Opening Words, Who We Are, Our Mission Statement, and twelve Core Values. The leader for the week chooses the Gospel passage and leads the group through the hour gathering, including having the above components read aloud. Times for journaling, reflection, and discussion are scheduled. The hour is closed with a blessing from the leader. This group works well in person, on Zoom, or (as we're now experiencing) as a hybrid gathering. Through a closed WhatsApp group the women stay connected through the week as prayer concerns, thoughts, and written prayers are shared.
Special notes: The adaptability of this experience has surprised me. We were able to have three meetings before closing down for COVID19. Growth continued through those times, and in the process we've created a vibrant Women's Ministry Group through the leadership team.
Since I found the books written by Dr. Dan Allender (Healing the Wounded Heart) and Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk (The Body Keeps The Score) so provocative, I decided to interact with these books (and others) as they pertained to my own experience of physical and sexual abuse as a child.
Much of my writing pivots around these two understandings:
This journal was written and used over the course of a 9-month "ministry year" in my local church setting. It operated in sync with Sunday morning teaching (at key points) and was available to all who attended worship but was used intentionally as a workbook and conversation starter and curriculum in all of our small groups.
It begins with a season of reading a Gospel for what we see about Jesus, using that focused "study" as a catalyst for vision...
After stating vision and working a bit with declaring intention to grow and change, the final major piece is a book study of Nathan Foster's Making of an Ordinary Saint, used as an exposure to and discernment around which means of growth would be most helpful to me in my stated vision and intention.
Spiritual formation is a lifelong journey of walking with God. What we believe about God and how His kingdom functions in our lives is critical to how we live in harmony within our families and communities.
With this project, parents are given opportunity to examine some principles and practices of spiritual formation and how they can be influential in the relationships they have with their grown children. The culmination project includes a two-page proposal that can be provided to church leaders to describe this as a workshop for parents of adult children.
Marj notes:
The curriculum cultivates building a transformative relationship with Christ.
The lessons introduce God’s invitation to participate in the Kingdom of God here and now, explores the characteristics of kingdom living, and invites the student, in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, to participate in training tools that develop Christ’s character in them.
Teaching, training tools and community sharing of training experiences are integral pieces of the process.
My project has been unfolding over about 10 years and has to do with what developing a 'curriculum in Christ-likeness' looks like when it is integrated into every aspect of church family life. We use the language of 'Apprenticeship Training' as a means of trying to capture this heart and mind orientation.
Note: My project is not very concrete as it relates to people seeing what I've done and simply implementing it. I essentially took the 12 themes of Renovaré and sought to demonstrate how we have been addressing those 12 areas through various means. So our 'curriculum' includes many 'curriculums', strategies, Sunday morning teaching, relational environments, etc. It would not be possible to simply make the project available to other alumni in some kind of tangible, concrete form. A conversation really would be the only real way to bring benefit to other students at this point.
My project involves the passing on a theology and practice of spiritual formation to the younger generation of Christian leaders that are emerging from our universities.
The project contained:
This project is designed for a leader to walk alongside a small group of people to help them cultivate the 10 Healthy Missional Markers in their faith journey. The 10 Healthy Missional Markers come from a church health ministry developed by the Evangelical Covenant Church.
Each month, participants are asked to:
The material can be easily adapted by changing any of the elements to make them more relevant to their context. The outline also proposes the group spend two of their monthly meetings in a retreat setting.
I would be happy to share the basic spreadsheet with anyone who is interested in reviewing it.
This is curriculum for high commitment groups. It is a scope and sequence approach, and is not conducive to new members entering once the group gets started. It is spiritual formation/discipleship based.
Introduction to the spiritual life through a multi-week, multi-media format. Together in weekly one and one half hour sessions we immerse ourselves in the wonderful engagement of our spirit and God's Spirit from birth to life eternal.
Using the author's personal journey, as shared in written reflections, music, and still pictures, participants are given the opportunity to begin their own process of self-discovery, recovery of memory, and reflection within a caring Christian community.
Use of the traditional Sunday School structure to select a group of individuals evidencing readiness and interest in Christian Spiritual Development.
For my project, I set out to weave Renovaré spiritual formation principles into the 3 ministries I was already embedded in at my local church, First Pres of Colorado Springs.
The ministries were:
The project includes devotionals, a small group curriculum, and a curriculum for an Intro to SF class.
I describe it as an adventure in spiritual formation. It is highly structured and requires a significant commitment.
It is a 2 year study using material and resources currently available in the market place. It consists of 6 parts that build upon each other. It is probably best done in a small group.
Note: The project is not an off-the-shelf, ready to use project. It is tailored to the specific situation.
For my project, I led a small group with my daughter and several of her friends, beginning when they were eighth-graders and continuing through their high school graduation last May.
Many of the discussions I created using ideas and materials from my Renovaré Institute experience. We also worked at a food pantry, visited the art gallery after discussing art and Scripture for several weeks, and roasted hot dogs and marshmallows at our annual family bonfire. And we goofed around quite a lot and ate bowls and bowls full of popcorn.
Note: I do have several discussion plans I'd be willing to share, though I suspect that I'm better at leading discussions than I am at creating discussion outlines that will work for everyone.
The curriculum takes a campus minister and student disciples through seven months of weekly meeting to build key spiritual disciplines into their lives.
The seven disciplines are:
Each weekly component involves scripture study on the discipline and debrief on the practice.
The overarching purpose of this curriculum is to introduce children to Jesus. The Scriptures are the anchor, and the Spiritual Disciplines are used as a means of opening the space for relationship.
The structure is a grand exercise in the Spiritual Discipline of study. It is based on the people profiles found in The Renovaré Life With God Bible. These are not merely lessons to be taught—this is discipleship for children, giving them knowledge and opening the space for a Christ-like relationship with God, adults, and peers.
I created a small group curriculum as a companion for the "Life with God Bible" to guide groups through the fifteen stages of formation that God is with us (as highlighted in the Renovaré "Life with God Bible.")
As a family, we are looking to experience God's kingdom together as a family and sharing it with our neighbors, both in the everyday and outdoor settings.
We want the "deep gladness" of His Kingdom, being together and enjoying nature to "meet" with the "deep hunger" that we see in our neighborhood.
I took the concepts that we learned and added activities to help youth grasp them in a small group setting.
It mainly includes topics such as:
I've included examples that my youth did with the various topics. I've also tried to be very directive so that anyone could use it, but there's certainly plenty of room for making it your own.
A series of three session courses (trios) based on the Apprenticeship series. I had previously run a course teaching the three books one after the other but found it was a very long commitment for people to make. People dipped in and out but the series foundation is "The Good and Beautiful God". If someone had missed that book it was harder to grasp the rest.
The trios consist of one session from each book; Good and Beautiful God, Life and Community. We looked at one aspect of our picture of God and then asked how our own lives and our community life would look like if we really believed that.
If we really believe in God’s overriding governance for good then we can let go of worry. If we really believe God is good then we will genuinely want to worship him. As we worship, we are reminded that God is good.
The material from each chapter was taught from the front (20mins) we had small group discussion (45mins) and then set the Soul training exercise. With time for tea and coffee plus discussion of previous soul training each session was 2 hours max.
Find out more here. Ali notes these docs are aimed at a British audience. :-)
The project is designed to blend multiple threads of church life into helping others follow Jesus. I want to use preaching series; small groups; and teaching in a variety of ways, along with personal/individual guidance in developing a personal rule of life.
Preaching Series: Converting Life into Light: 8 Week Series. The Big Idea for this series is that Jesus came into the World “as life” and that life was converted into Light. John 1:4, “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.” How do we convert the Life of God within us into Light in our sphere of influence, and thus expand the Kingdom of God. It was a three part series:
Small Groups: We are using are small groups that meet in the community for the purpose of Spiritual Formation. Here are resources used within the last year. Four Women’s Groups have used the following materials as curriculum:
Rule of Life: I have encouraged each of our Staff Members, Elders, and Ministry Team Leaders to develop a “Rule of Life.” I have worked with them on developing them, and meet with them monthly to see how they are doing.
It is a workbook for children going through attributes of God starting with each letter of the Alphabet with corresponding pages to color.
The project is a six-part follow-up to an evangelism course like ALPHA. I created it for a German small group context for the recent attendees of an ALPHA evangelism course. It is based on Jesus' proclamation in Mark 2:15 of the presence of the Kingdom of God and the response of repentance and belief.
The course is geared toward people who have little or no knowledge of the Bible, church, or what it means to be a follower of Christ. The ALPHA pattern of having a meal together and then engaging with Scripture, prayer and spiritual practices was continued. Questions and concerns were welcomed and participation encouraged but without pressure.
Scripture reading between the meetings was suggested and spiritual exercises were provided for each week that reinforced the lessons, and opportunity was always given to share their experiences or ask questions that had arisen.
It is intended to be a foundational introduction to Biblically based spiritual formation, life with Christ, and prayerful loving community.
My project is a spiritual formation website I created called Invitation to Rest (https://invitationtorest.org/). I wanted to create a place in the digital world that invites people to experience rest and a relationship with God and do so in a way that can be accessed anytime on any device.
I want to take some of the complicated books and concepts we have experienced and boil them down in as simple and plain of a narrative that people can easily grasp and click to learn more. I am envisioning that this site will be part of my life’s work and ministry going forward.
I would like to go through all of the Renovaré content and create some on-line courses where I can provide a more interactive way to engage people to learn more concepts around spiritual formation.
My big dream is to conduct a variety of retreats and spiritual direction and will have a section on the website for that.
The Bright Star Marriage Blog is one component of our strategy to help shape what we call "bright star marriages," marriages that shine in a dark world. Bright Star marriages:
The blog's focus is to introduce readers to the idea of a transformative marriage through regular posts that unpack key concepts in the following categories:
Ask the Therapist: Periodically, we publish conversations we have on marriage questions where Gretchen shares her perspective as a marriage therapist.
How I constructed this podcast:
I first read the book “Storybrand” to learn how to clarify my message to my targeted avatar/ audience. On YouTube I listened to the author of the book, Donald Miller, to learn how to develop my own brand and what that meant.
To explore further options, I listened to several Podcasts to give me an idea of what were the most popular podcasts and why. My Apple iPad was all I needed to listen and create a podcast to launch it globally.
An online course called Podcasting with SkillShare explained how to develop my own podcast. Here I was able to download a booklet they offered which provided a checklist or plan of action to move forward. I learned about ideation, goals and how to create an audio file.
On Skill Share I learned how to edit the podcast, add music, give my podcast a title and develop a description that would be about 300 or less words. I still need to finish a press kit for release. It's important to stay consistent and release a podcast a week for the first five weeks to gain an audience. I am currently on week three.
We followed instruction to design cover art and brand development with Canva.com. This was fun to be creative and see what the cover art might be for a Christian podcast on spiritual practices.
Rev.com was suggested and contracted at $1.00 a minute to create a transcript that can be accessible on the website blog. Twenty-minute podcasts would cost me $20.00. Once this is on my website then Google search could identify key words and index these words for searches.
Visit the project here: https://www.unlockingchristianspiritualpracticespodcast.com
Note: This was just fun to explore new ways to communicate that are at our fingertips with new technology. My daughter was a big help in completing this project.
I have learned that it can be very challenging to see God when we are suffering deeply. But it can also be the place where we sense his closeness and love more than at any other time.
That’s why I pulled together an entire series about connecting with God in suffering on the blog of the mission organization I work for, Novo. I worked with several different missionaries in our organization—trained counselors, spiritual directors, and people who had personally experienced different kinds of suffering—to create this series of posts.
All of them point to that question of Where is God when we suffer? How can we stay close to him in the midst of it?
This blog site will craft and post daily prayers with the end of encouragement and to promote a desire to live the With-God Life.
They prayers will be cross-posted on various social media sites including Facebook and Twitter.
There will also be blog posts from time to time from a "Parkishly" perspective to encourage the reader.
I write down my reflections on devotional classics recommended by Dallas Willard, trying to understand his thinking and his practice. Even in my brief time knowing him, I have found him to be a great mentor and teacher of the way of Christ. As I write, I am reminded about spiritual disciplines and seek to use them more effectively in my walk with Christ. They teach me greater dependence on him.
I envision my blogs to have some signs or cairns on the path which may help or encourage other followers of Jesus. The internet provides a way for people to gather in small ways who are separated by distance, language, or culture. My hope is that I can encourage others to seek Christ through spiritual formation and in the teachings of Dallas.
Another use for these blogs of my journey have been as a resource for a spiritual formation group we have been leading. I am able to draw from things I have studied and written about for the benefit of our group, like a small entry I did on the prayer of Examen I shared with our group recently.
"Money Lies" will be a series of blog posts that walks through the many false beliefs we have about money.
First, we will identify the practices that are characteristic of those ideas.
We will then contrast those false beliefs about money with the truth that Jesus reveals about God and life.
This part will focus on our inability to serve both God and Mammon by examining the interaction between false beliefs about money and false beliefs about God.
Then we will look at how the lie operates in our life by learning to recognize when it rules over us and the effects it has on us.
Finally, we will provide some ideas on how we might begin to adopt the truth Jesus reveals by engaging in applicable spiritual disciplines and considering the positive effects of this process.
Ministry based on my spiritual writings and poetry on FB, Instagram and blog at www.healingpresenceministry.com.
My project had 2 parts:
I post one poem a week on my blog and FB. Other posts on FB and Instagram are inspiring, encouraging, comforting words of hope and God's love on beautiful photos.
This Blog site is for those who are looking for a place to find a voice in their journey with God. It covers topics that are uniquely formational in theme and typically focuses on aspects of a with-God life—in areas of discipleship, community, and ministry.
This is a 3-year men's discipleship training group (DTG) consisting of 12 men divided into two equal groups. Group 1 meets on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays (8:30-10:30 am) while the 2nd group meets on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays. If you cannot make your group's meeting, you may attend the other group's meeting.
We will learn how to study the Bible, study some key biblical passages pertaining to being a disciple of Jesus, and focus on some key, overarching principles for living in the kingdom with Jesus daily. We will also read selected books for background understanding.
We will emphasize 5 components of change:
Our ultimate goal is transformation from the inside out and union in action with the Triune God.
Long term relationships with several men using personal interaction, scripture meditation and resource books (Foster, Willard, N T Wright, Jan Johnson).
This project is a one year mentoring program where experienced leaders are paired with emerging leaders in the church.
A extended weekend women’s retreat in a beautiful location for Women Who Want More (WWWM). Not more hurry or worry, strife, overextending, exhaustion.
This is time is a reset for more joy, and contentment, and peace. To be waking up to the fullness of the good, true and unique design of each woman. Women stopping their schedules, comparison game, and scarcity mentality. This allows for Space to believe that God is up to something Bigger.
The retreats are in beautiful places for 10-15 women to get away on the beach or in the mountains or some historic city. The purpose is to remember that they don’t need to be all things for all people, and step into a true freedom as they follow Jesus. Women saying Yes together to God's Extravagant Love. This includes spiritual practices with their minds, bodies, spirits. The time includes gathering together and solo time to reflect and examine.
The extended weekend (Thursday to Sunday) will include:
Everything is included: the place, the snacks, the engagement activities, the yummy meals, the solitude books, worship, personalized goodies. They just have to get themselves to the retreat location.
The title of my project is "Finding Your Way: Bearings for a Transforming Friendship With God."
The project is a series of six four-week retreats built around the six core questions of the first two semesters of the Renovaré Institute. The material was crafted as a guide that spiritual directors would offer to groups or individuals participating in an extended retreat in daily life.
The guides include:
The Bright Star Cohort is a nine-month intensive process that builds upon the Even Better Retreat. Up to fifteen participant couples work under the guidance of three mentor couples to dive deeper into the core Bright Star marriage themes:
The nine months are divided into three-month cycles, one for each of the core themes. Each cycle has the following components:
This is a weekend retreat aimed for high school/college age attendees.
The focus is on how we form our views of God, considers two common false narratives about God and offers some practices to take home.
This curriculum offers four sessions:
This is a guide for those who are interested in a spiritually guided thirty day retreat.
I have used the basic Ignatius Retreat outline to write this guide into four sections.
The entire guided retreat notes are comprised of materials I focused on in my two years’ experience with RI Seattle Cohort 2017 to 2019.
The Spiritual Formation Leadership Summit is a three-day retreat and conference for Christian leaders. The retreat element aims to nurture the soul of leaders who constantly pour out their lives in service to others. The conference element seeks to equip leaders to more effectively disciple those in their care. Participation is limited to sixty leaders.
The 2018 Summit developed the theme “Resurrecting the Gospel” for this Renovate Institute Project. The Summit essentially followed a monastic pattern of prayer, common meals, an hour of teaching followed by an hour of silent reflection.
The 2018 Summit was held April 14-16 at Eagle Rock Retreat Center on the edge of the Great Smokey Mountain National Park. Since the completion of this project the Summit has expanded to offer both a fall and spring Summit.
The vision is to provide a context where pastors can attend to the needs of their souls for physical rest and spiritual renewal, as well as a practical process for nurturing and sustaining an authentic, inter-active relationship with God. This includes providing a context where growth can take place in safe, authentic community.
The strategy for implementation is two-fold.
The retreat design could easily be adapted for other demographics besides pastors.
The retreat/curriculum is based on some of the concepts learned during the SF institute. It's unique design allows a 48 experience of creating a grid/ map of one's vision for living in the Kingdom of God, by focusing on:
I attempted to lay out a viable spiritual formation road-map for reflective practitioners of an integral mission network across Latin America called the “Red del Camino” (The Way Network).
I took the most compelling things that I had learned in the Renovaré Institute (the highlights), and turn it into available information to build spiritual formation awareness and practice into the life of the RdC. In other words, to make it accessible to Latin Americans.
Women’s Retreat
Our non-profit helped working women juggling busy schedules integrate all of life under the loving care of the Kingdom of God.
Events and meetings centered on focused subjects including:
Book studies, discussion and prayer groups offered community and fellowship.
Day and overnight retreats and events focused on:
A set of guides to be utilized for 1-day silent retreats. Each guide is written with the Christian calendar in mind; September through May is the designated format.
My garden is in a peaceful setting with winding paths created to mimic a labyrinth.
There are multiple opportunities to sit and meditate.
There is a brochure for anyone to use as they travel the path.
This is a retreat for girls in their senior year of high school to help them prepare to continue to grow and thrive in their faith as they move on to the next stage of their lives.
My project was the framework for a three day retreat for furloughing missionaries.
The retreat begins with dinner on a Wednesday evening and ends with dinner on Friday evening.
A series of 7 short films (one intro and one for each of the 6 streams) aimed at introducing those outside and on the fringes of church to the life of the kingdom.
We wanted to create a documentary about the life and impact of Dallas Willard. The purpose of the film would be to wet the appetite of the masses with Dallas's approach to the gospels. Moreover, the film would serve as a time capsule for future generations as those who know Dallas best and were most influenced by him are still alive and well.
I have worked with the Dallas Willard Center in helping produce a video sermon series for John Ortberg. I have also worked on a committee on behalf of the institute in development of their new website.
I developed a way to pray the hours using quotes from Institute readings and other sources meaningful to my spiritual life.
It is not for beginners but suited more for people on the road of deeper experience.
My project provides a 90-Day spiritual practice journal with essays to help folks develop the habit of intentionality and consistency.
I think this work could be used as a potential:
Biography of DB pointing to all the spiritual disciplines he practiced, with an emphasis on how they helped change him.
As a special educator, I focused on how to create sermons that work for congregants at all levels of intellectual ability. Our context includes adults with intellectual disabilities who worship with others without disabilities in an inclusive context.
I used the principles of universal design of learning (UDL) that includes applying multiple means of engagement, representation, and expression.
My project includes four sermons based on Renovare resources. Each sermon has a UDL planning chart to show how the lay speaker sermon went beyond the traditional "I speak/ you listen." I also reflected on how the ideas worked.
Six week Preaching and Study Lenten Series on the Six Great Traditions of the Church in worship and utilizing small group discussion.
This series includes eight sermons that I prepared and have preached in various settings. They address topics of the Sermon on the Mount, as they are understood by Dallas Willard.
Jesus offers us a life with God and will teach us how to live our life. We can take him seriously and in doing so, find abundant life in the Kingdom of God.
There are also activities and discussion questions that can be used in a small group setting or with an adult class. I have adapted the material for older teens as well using the activities and discussion questions.
Working as a district superintendent with my district lay leader to develop a teamwork approach between clergy and the lay leaders in the district as we work to bring about a culture shift in our local churches to prioritize discipleship and transformation as the core mission of the church.
I led the congregation I was serving in a church-wide focus using the book Renovation of the Heart.
The world is full of liturgies. These liturgies form us they create desires and loves within us. We have only to think of The Mall. This space is set up to create in us desires and loves engaging our whole bodies: our eyes, with smells, touch and even taste. We are shaped and deformed by these desires and loves.
In the Anglican tradition, we also use liturgy every Sunday. The Liturgy also creates desires and loves, not for self but for God and others. The Liturgy engages the embodied spirit, we stand, we kneel, we cross ourselves, in the Eucharist—we eat and with our eyes we see the lit candles on the Table we are focused on God. Worship is not just an expressive act but is also very much formative. God is shaping us through the repetition of the Liturgy. We place our selves our embodied spirit in the Spiritual Discipline of the Liturgy. Where through indirection we are being re-shaped, re-formed.
The World understands that repetition/training is necessary for formation; think of sports, learning how to drive etc. Only the church believes we have to come up with novel ways of worship every Sunday. This may hinder being formed within the service, it may lead us to having an experience that competes with all other experiences in life.
In our Fellowship the message always ask us a question. We participate throughout the whole Liturgy. We enter silence and take out our journal and respond to the question. We then have a sharing time for anyone who would like to share. We are very honest about our lives. We share our struggles with competing loves and desires-we are a no-shame zone. We also have a time for anyone who has a Word from The Lord for the community. When we are led we pray with oil during the sharing time for one another.
Our Fellowship meets in our home. The Chapel use to be our living room. This space is set apart and only used for prayers and Sunday Worship. The space is designed to invite you into thoughtful silence and listening. As a community we have been doing a book study on The Divine Conspiracy for months, we are only on Chapter 4. We are not in a hurry, change comes by degrees. This Fall we will enter a year long training in Healing Prayer. We want to intentionally connect Healing Prayer and transformation. After worship we have a meal together every Sunday. Please pray for us.
Small group with men in the county jail.
I just wrote a paper about the process of salvation from my perspective.
The tool gives the respondent a detailed report, including graphs and explanations, which provides an assessment of their relative strengths/areas of growth in Christian formation, their ranking with respect to various population groups, an indicator of their self-awareness of their own Christian formation, and recommended targeted spiritual disciplines.
This resource is especially suited to be used in:
Note: Those interested should email me for guidance before taking the online assessment.
The Immanuel App aims to aid people in increasing their awareness of God in the present moment by sending context-based prompts throughout the day.
It can be difficult to stay aware of God throughout the day. With this motivation, we built an app to help us listen more attentively to God’s voice in the moment by contextually redirecting our attention to the voice & presence of God and the present reality of God’s kingdom.
If you install the app, we would ask you to just allow the app to bring to your mind and heart your life with God. We believe that the strength of this app is that it encourages one’s awareness of the Kingdom of God both in the present moment and in one’s present context. At this initial stage, “context” is being determined through the time of day. In the future, context may be determined by:
If you are interested in being added to our trusted testers or to collaborate in any way, please email Tomas at [email protected]
I created an exhibit that showcased my Institute journey through art that emerged as a response to all that I was reading and experiencing.
Website: https://renovare.org/events/overview
This is Christ-centered yoga.
The intention is to bring one's body into a place of peace and receptivity to the Spirit for the purpose of transforming the entire person, including the physical body, into Christ-likeness.
This project begins with examples of passing to individuals on what I learned at Renovaré about the with-God life. The individuals included:
Because I didn't have any immediate plans for implementing a project anywhere, I then described three organizations and how I might proceed with a project should an opening present itself. These organizations include:
Each organization was described along with my current (at the time) involvement and a plan for potential future involvement. I closed with principles I would follow in developing a tailored curriculum for these organizations:
I edited my class notes, incorporated notes from other cohort friends, and inserted photos and graphics.
The notes were distributed among our cohort after each intensive.
As I understand it, the notes were also used with:
This project is a series of meditations on John 13-17; the invitation of this passage is to discover Christ's heart of love for his disciples in general and for you in particular.
Each meditation explores a facet of Christ's actions, teachings, or prayers in these chapters, always coming back to the inclination of Christ's heart toward those who follow him.
Each study consists of one short, major quote in large font at the top of the page, followed by an extended quote from a book, followed by a related Scripture passage. Then there are a few questions to ponder, followed by a suggestion for a spiritual practice.
I named the studies "Recess" and here is the introduction to them:
Recess: a temporary withdrawal or cessation from the usual work or activity; a secluded or inner area or part.
These contemplative studies are meant to provide you with an opportunity for recess, a chance to cease your usual activity and examine your inner self. A time to be aware of God and how he is working in your life.
Begin with prayer, simply asking God to speak to you. Read slowly, pause, think, and converse with God. Find a way to make the “big idea” at the top of the page a part of your thinking throughout the day and week (sticky notes are great for this!).
But most of all, enjoy your time with God! He loves being with you!
Visit Sharon's website, Dwelling Place, to learn more: http://www.dwellingplaceindy.org/recess-contemplative-studies/
Our Father's Ranch is a boutique working cattle ranch located on 112 beautiful irrigated acres of farmland in Southern Oregon.
There are many opportunities and places here to be still...
Please visit our website at Ourfathersranch.org
This curriculum is a 16-week presentation of stories from the Book of Acts.
Our church had unused meadows/shallow woods that could be turned into mowed walking trails. I worked with our staff to have trails mowed in these areas; as well as organized workdays for others to help clear out invasive shrubs and mulch the trails.
My goal is to encourage our church family to spend more time outdoors as well as use these trails in their individual practice of prayer, meditation, silence, worship, etc. The hope is that each year we will build on these practices whether through individuals or small groups incorporating the trails into their spiritual growth.
My project incorporates lectures and discussions of several books related to the Renovare Institute material, starting with the trilogy written by James Bryan Smith (The Good and Beautiful God, The Good and Beautiful Life, and The Good and Beautiful Community).
This material is to be followed by presentations of:
Through offering these various topics, my goal is to introduce our congregation to the material covered in the two-year RI program (6 core questions and 6 streams) thereby fostering an awareness and appreciation of spiritual formation within the church culture.
Our church has several unused acres which I developed into trails to be used for meditation, prayer, exercise, celebration, etc.
Six stations were built which include benches and signs which currently direct you in a stand alone portion of the Lord's prayer. Once a person walks the trails and visits each sign they have prayed through the prayer. The signs are designed so that you can insert new content based on the topic of a prayer walk.
We have used the trails for other church events, including filming worship and sermons during Covid.