Renovaré | Becoming a Listening Presence — Six-Month Experience
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Becoming a Listening Presence in Everyday Life

A 26-Week Whole-Hearted Learning Experience
from Renovaré

Dear Friend of Jesus,

As Christ-followers, we are called to become a listening presence in everyday life. Few things are more important today. 

Our world suffers from distraction, division, and deep trauma. By learning to listen to God, ourselves, creation, and those around us, we can participate in the world's healing and even its flourishing. 

This half-year journey in an online community is designed to provide a safe and brave learning space in which we can become the kind of people who can listen to ourselves, to others, and to God—in order to live into a more compassionate and faithful life of love.

Trevor Hudson & 
Lacy Finn Borgo

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Facilitators + Teachers

Trevor Hudson

Trevor Hudson

Trevor Hudson has been part of the Methodist movement for over 40 years. Serving primarily around Johannesburg, he is deeply committed to the work of spiritual formation within local congregational contexts. A significant part of his weekly work presently consists of leading people through the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius and offering spiritual direction. Trevor also travels widely, preaching and teaching. He lectures at Fuller Seminary, the Renovaré Institute, the Dallas Willard Center for Christian Spiritual Formation, and the Jesuit Institute in South Africa. He is the author of 24 books including Discovering Your Spiritual Identity, Beyond Loneliness (Upper Room), Seeking God-Finding Another Kind of Life with St. Ignatius and Dallas Willard (NavPress), and In Search of God’s Will (NavPress).

Lacy Finn Borgo

Lacy Finn Borgo

Lacy Finn Borgo, DMin, is a member of the Renovaré Ministry Team. She teaches, provides spiritual direction and is the Student Care Coordinator for the Renovaré Institute for Spiritual Formation. Lacy also teaches courses on Children’s Spirituality and Spiritual Direction through the She has a spiritual direction ministry for adults, and provides spiritual direction for children at Haven House, a transitional facility for families without housing. Her recent books are Faith Like a Child: Embracing Our Lives as Children of God, Spiritual Conversations with Children: Listening to God Together and the children’s picture book All Will Be Well. Lacy lives on the Western Slope of the Rocky Mountains and worships with a local Quaker Meeting. You can find her at

Participant Testimonials

The flow and combination of course materials; books, meditation practices, lectures, and small group sharing helped me open up to God, myself, and others in a more deeply compassionate way. I am truly a changed person, this is the type of learning that never stops unfolding — the kind of education Renovaré does so well!
Jaclyn Sheldon
When I started the BLP course my hope was that I would become a better listener to others. While this definitely happened, I found that Trevor and Lacy’s profound teaching combined with the insightful reading and small group interaction helped me to be much more attentive in listening to myself in the presence of the Holy Spirit — to the state of my interior world. This increased interior insightfulness has been so helpful in my journey with God.
Dan MacIntosh

Program Details

Becoming a Listening Presence in Everyday Life is an interactive 26-week journey with an online cohort of fifty students.


  • Two-hour live Zoom with teaching + interaction
    Twice per month
  • Guided reading and practice journey
    Five to Ten Hours Per Week
  • Independent personal retreat
    One self-scheduled retreat


  • Jan 9, Jan 23, Feb 13, Feb 20, Mar 6
    Thursdays, 9am-11am CST
  • Mar 20, Apr 3, Apr 24, May 8, May 22, Jun 12, Jul 10
    Thursdays, 10am-12pm CDT 

$1,000 USD
A payment plan option is available.

Accepted applicants who have not completed the Renovaré Institute and/or another Christian Spiritual Formation training program will be required to complete a supported version of Renovaré’s From the Inside Out video course before the Becoming a Listening Presence course begins. (Consult the FAQ below for more info.)

The BLP course has been a blessing to my life in many ways. Trevor and Lacy’s teaching was extremely practical and helpful, the materials it placed in my hands are invaluable now and going forward, and it gave opportunity for continued deepening relationships with like-minded followers of Jesus.
John Roberts
The BLP course facilitated my growth in seeing God’s presence in everything. It gave me an increased appreciation for listening well, and paying attention to God’s presence and the movements of the Holy Spirit.
Park Smith