Join the New Season

All Book Club Exclusive podcast episodes

Join the New Season

All Book Club Exclusive podcast episodes

The Deeply Formed Life, Prep Week

Weekly Reading:

📖 Welcome to the Book Club and our preparation week for reading The Deeply Formed Life. Please read Rich Villodas’s Book Club Introduction this week (linked below). We will begin reading the book next week.


Resources (please click the green links to access):

The Deeply Formed Life, Week One

Weekly Reading:

Last Week’s Resources (From October 4th)

📨 Prep Week Book Club Update Email (sent October 4, 2021) Find all previous resources HERE. 

The Deeply Formed Life, Week Two

Weekly Reading:

The Deeply Formed Life, Week Three

Weekly Reading:

The Deeply Formed Life, Week Four

Weekly Reading:

💬 Click here to be taken to this week’s discussion question.

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New Resources (please click the green links to access):

Readers’ Questions Webcast (Tuesday, November 16 at 4 PM Pacific):

The Deeply Formed Life, Week Five

Weekly Reading:
  • 📖 Welcome to our fifth reading week of The Deeply Formed Life. This week, we invite you to read Chapters Seven and Eight(pages 128 – 169) as well as the third and final Book Club article (linked below under New Resources”).
  • 📨 Click here to reread this week’s email.

💬 Click here to be taken to this week’s discussion question. 

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New Resources (please click the green links to access):

📄 Third Book Club Article: What Sexual Wholeness Looks Like (Villodas and Rolheiser) Readers’ Questions Webcast (Tuesday, November 16 at 4 PM Pacific):

The Deeply Formed Life, Week Six

👉 Please note that Renovaré’s offices will be closed the week of November 22 – 26 for the U.S. Thanksgiving Holiday. Your next Book Club update will come on Monday, November 29th. Blessings, Friends! 👈


Weekly Reading:

  • 📖 Welcome to our sixth reading week of The Deeply Formed Life. This week, we invite you to finish the book by reading Chapters Nine and Ten and the Afterword(pages 170 – 219).
  • 📨 Click here to reread this week’s email.


🖥 Readers’ Questions Webcast (Rich Villodas and Carolyn Arends)


📚 Resources From the Webcast
Authors Mentioned — NonFiction
Fiction Mentioned
Shalom? Carolyn’s definition of Shalom, influenced by Andy Crouch: The comprehensive flourishing of all things.”
All the Other Things: Resource suggestion from members in the Chat Box.

📼 Previous Renovaré Webinar: Finding Good Words to Share the Good News” with Trevor Hudson

🕯 Advent Webinar on Thursday, November 18 — Webinar recording and resources will be posted HERE by Friday, November 19

Looking Ahead:

We will begin reading our next book of the season, John Woolman’s Journal, on Monday, December 6th. Our facilitator’s preferred edition can be found via the following online purchase links:
You may find online purchase links to all the books of the season HERE. Find all previous resources for The Deeply Formed Life HERE. 

John Woolman’s Journal, Prep Week

Weekly Reading:


💬 Click here to be taken to this week’s discussion question. 

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New Resources (please click the green links to access):

🕯 Bonus: Sign up for Carolyn Arends’s Online Musical Advent Calendar (begins December 1st

Still Looking for the Book?

You may find online purchase links to all the books of the season HERE

John Woolman’s Journal, Week One

Weekly Reading:

  • 📖 Welcome to our first reading week for John Woolman’s Journal. This week, we invite you to read Chapters 1 & 2 (pp. 23 – 43) of the Moulton edition.
  • 📨 Click here to reread this week’s email.


💬 Click here to be taken to this week’s discussion question. 

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New Resources (please click the green links to access):

Previous Resources (posted November 29)

Questions for Jon 

You’ve got questions. He’s got answers and thoughtful commentary. He’ll be providing both at our live Readers’ Questions Webcast on Wednesday, February 2nd (4 PM Pacific/7 PM Eastern).

John Woolman’s Journal, Week Two

Weekly Reading:

  • 📖 Welcome to our second reading week for John Woolman’s Journal. This week, we invite you to read Chapters 3 & 4 (pp. 44 – 74) of the Moulton edition.
  • 📨 Click here to reread this week’s email.


💬 Click here to be taken to this week’s discussion question.

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New Resources (please click the green links to access):

  • 🎧 Listen: Jon and Carolyn’s first podcast for the Book Club 
    To download MP3, click the three dots above.
👉 To add this private podcast to your Apple Podcasts app for the 2021 – 22 Book Club season, please view the instructions HERE .

Questions for Jon 

You’ve got questions. He’s got answers and thoughtful commentary. He’ll be providing both at our live Readers’ Questions Webcast on Wednesday, February 2nd (4 PM Pacific/7 PM Eastern).

John Woolman’s Journal, Week Three

Weekly Reading:

  • 📖 Welcome to our third reading week for John Woolman’s Journal. This week, we invite you to read Chapters 5 & 6 (pp. 75 – 93) of the Moulton edition.

📨 Click here to reread this week’s email.

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💬 Click here to be taken to this week’s discussion question. 

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New Resources (please click the green links to access):

You’ve got questions. He’s got answers and thoughtful commentary. He’ll be providing both at our live Readers’ Questions Webcast on Wednesday, February 2nd (4 PM Pacific/7 PM Eastern).

John Woolman’s Journal, Week Four

Weekly Reading:

  • 📖 Welcome to our fourth reading week for John Woolman’s Journal. This week, we invite you to read Chapters 7 & 8 (pp. 106 – 137) of the Moulton edition.

📨 Click here to reread this week’s email. 

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New Resources (please click the green links to access):

  • 🎧 Listen:  To download MP3, click the three dots above.
👉 To add this private podcast to your Apple Podcasts app for the 2021 – 22 Book Club season, please view the instructions HERE .
Questions for Jon 
You’ve got questions. He’s got answers and thoughtful commentary. He’ll be providing both at our live Readers’ Questions Webcast on Wednesday, February 2nd (4 PM Pacific/7 PM Eastern).

John Woolman’s Journal, Week Five

Weekly Reading:

  • 📖 Welcome to our fifth reading week for John Woolman’s Journal. This week, we invite you to read Chapters 9 & 10 (pp. 138 – 162) of the Moulton edition.

📨 Click here to reread this week’s email.

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New Resource (please click the green links to access):


📄 Read: Jon’s 3rd Book Club Article — Woolman in the Wild: Attending to an Everywhere Spirituality 

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Questions for Jon 

You’ve got questions. He’s got answers and thoughtful commentary. He’ll be providing both at our live Readers’ Questions Webcast on Wednesday, February 2nd (4 PM Pacific/7 PM Eastern).

John Woolman’s Journal, Week Six

Weekly Reading:

📖 Welcome to our sixth reading week for John Woolman’s Journal. This week, we invite you to read Chapters 11 & 12 (pp. 163 – 192) of the Moulton edition.

📨 Click here to reread this week’s email.

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🖥 READERSQUESTIONS WEBINAR — Recording  AUDIO-ONLY VERSION — for streaming or download (not on Podcast feed) MENTIONED RESOURCES

🌍 Web Pages

📚 Books

🎵 Song
They Will Know We Are Christians” - arranged and sung by Carolyn Arends

📄 Bonus: Read Carolyn’s article Speak Truth to Power”

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A Burning in My Bones, Prep Week

Weekly Reading:

📖 Welcome to our preparation week for A Burning in My Bones. This week, we invite you to read Winn Collier’s Book Club Introduction (linked below)

📨 Click here to reread this week’s email.

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DIRECT LINK TO LAST WEEK’S RESOURCES (including Woolman Journal Webcast)

NEW RESOURCES (click the green links to access)
📄 Encountering Eugene” — Book Club Introduction by Winn Collier
🎧 Renovaré Podcast: Nate Foster and Winn Collier — On Eugene Peterson 
✍️ Dear John” Letter-Writing Exercise

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Online purchase links are below. Amazon 


Parasource (Canada)

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A Burning in My Bones, Week One

Weekly Reading:

📖 Welcome to our first reading week for A Burning in My Bones. This week, we invite you to read the Preface through Chapter 5 (pp. ix-59).

📨 Click here to reread this week’s email .

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NEW RESOURCES (click the green links to access)
📄 Being Human, Being Holy” — 1st Book Club Article by Winn Collier

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A Burning in My Bones, Week Two

Weekly Reading:

📖 Welcome to our second reading week for A Burning in My Bones. This week, we invite you to read Chapters 6 – 8 (pp. 60 – 119).

📨 Click here to reread this week’s email .

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NEW RESOURCES (click the green links to access)
🎧 Listen: Carolyn’s First Book Club-exclusive Podcast with Winn Collier. ⠇To download MP3, click the three dots above.

👉 To add this private podcast to your Apple Podcasts app for the 2021 – 22 Book Club season, please view the instructions HERE .

📝 Read: Collier Podcast #1 Transcript 
👀 Review: Peterson Selective Timeline 

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A Burning in My Bones, Week Three

Weekly Reading:

📖 Welcome to our third reading week for A Burning in My Bones. This week, we invite you to read Chapters 9 – 11 (pp. 120 – 168).

📨 Click here to reread this week’s email .

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💬 . 

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NEW RESOURCES (click the green links to access)
📖 Read: Winn’s Second Book Club-exclusive Article — Pursuing the Good” 

🎉 Bonus: Carolyn Arends’s article Hardworking Sloths” 

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QUESTIONS FOR WINN He knows more about Eugene Peterson than Eugene’s own mother did. 😁 Now you’ll have your own opportunity to tap both his knowledge and insight in our live Readers’ Questions Webcast on Tuesday, March 22nd (4 PM Pacific/7 PM Eastern).

A Burning in My Bones, Week Four

Weekly Reading:

📖 Welcome to our third reading week for A Burning in My Bones. This week, we invite you to read Chapters 12 – 14 (pp. 169 – 212) .

📨 Click here to reread this week’s email .

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💬 . 

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NEW RESOURCES (click the green links to access)
🎧 Listen: Winn’s Second Book Club-exclusive Podcast with Carolyn Arends ⠇To download MP3, click the three dots above.

👉 To add this private podcast to your Apple Podcasts app for the 2021 – 22 Book Club season, please view the instructions HERE .

📝 Review: Collier Podcast #2 Transcript 

🎉 Bonus Links: A Petersonian Panoply

A Burning in My Bones, Week Five

Weekly Reading:

📖 Welcome to our fifth reading week for A Burning in My Bones. This week, we invite you to read Chapters 15 – 16 (pp. 213 – 261 ) .

📨 Click here to reread this week’s email .

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💬 . 

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NEW RESOURCES (click the green links to access)
📖 Read: Winn’s Third Book Club-exclusive Article — A Letter from Eugene” 
📺 Watch: Fuller Studio Video: Eugene, Jan, and Bono (YouTube Link) 

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QUESTIONS FOR WINN He knows more about Eugene Peterson than Eugene’s own mother did. 😁 Now you’ll have your own opportunity to tap both his knowledge and insight in our live Readers’ Questions Webcast on Tuesday, March 22nd (4 PM Pacific/7 PM Eastern).

A Burning in My Bones, Week Six

Weekly Reading:

📖 Welcome to our sixth and final reading week for A Burning in My Bones. This week, we invite you to finish the book by reading Chapter 17 and the Coda (pp. 262 – 307) .

📨 Click here to reread this week’s email.

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NEW RESOURCES (click the green links to access)

🖥 Enjoy this recording of Carolyn Arends’s third Book Club conversation with Winn Collier in our much-anticipated Readers’ Questions Webinar: Audio-Only Version: Resources:
🌱 The Sprout Book: A Celebration of the Humble Brussels Sprout
🌱 The Brussels Sprout Cookbook: Over 60 Delicious Recipes to Sprout About
🎵 Any Given Sunday” by Carolyn Arends


📰 Read: Eugene Peterson Obituary from Vancouver Sun 

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LOOKING AHEAD Next week (March 28 — April 2) is a prep/turnaround week for the Book Club. If you have not yet obtained a copy of our fourth and final book of the season — Dallas Willard’s modern classic Renovation of the Heart — please do so from your local library or bookseller. If you need to purchase online, you may use the courtesy purchasing links below (which help support Renovaré).

(Please note that previous versions will work fine, though page numbers will vary.)

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Renovation of the Heart, Prep Week

Weekly Reading:

📖 Welcome to the preparation week for our fourth and final book of the 2021 – 22 Renovaré Book Club season. This week, we invite you to secure your copy of Renovation of the Heart and read Gary Moon’s introduction to the 20th Anniversary Edition.

📨 Click here to reread this week’s email .

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NEW RESOURCES (click the green links to access)

📖 Read: Gary Moon’s Introduction to Renovation of the Heart 
🎧 Listen: Nathan Foster and Jan Johnson on the Renovaré Podcast
👀 Check out: Gary’s Study Guide for Renovation of the Heart (also linked in his Introduction)
👩🏼‍💻 Review: 2021 – 22 Renovaré Book Club Season Schedule 


🖥 Enjoy this recording of Carolyn Arends’s third Book Club conversation with Winn Collier in our much-anticipated Readers’ Questions Webinar: Audio-Only Version: Resources:
🌱 The Sprout Book: A Celebration of the Humble Brussels Sprout
🌱 The Brussels Sprout Cookbook: Over 60 Delicious Recipes to Sprout About
🎵 Any Given Sunday” by Carolyn Arends
🔗 Eugene Peterson Center for Christian Imagination
📕 A Church Called Tov by Scott McKnight


📰 Read: Eugene Peterson Obituary from Vancouver Sun STILL NEED THE BOOK? If you have not yet obtained a copy of our fourth and final book of the season — Dallas Willard’s modern classic Renovation of the Heart — please do so from your local library or bookseller. If you need to purchase online, you may use the courtesy purchasing links below (which help support Renovaré).

(Please note that previous versions will work fine, though page numbers will vary.)

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Renovation of the Heart, Week One

Weekly Reading:

📖 Welcome to the first reading week of Renovation of the Heart. This week, we invite you to read the Prelude and Chapters 1 and 2. If you have the 20th Anniversary Edition, be sure to read John Mark Comer’s Foreword as well.

📨 Click here to reread this week’s email .

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💬 . 

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NEW RESOURCES (click the green links to access)

📖 Read: Mimi Dixon’s Guide to the Prelude and Chapters 1 & 2 

Have a blessed Holy Week!

No Weekly Reading:

📖 The Renovaré Book Club is off for Holy Week. We will resume our reading and resources schedule on Monday, April 18th.

💬 What are your favorite quotes from Renovation of the Heart? Share them here!

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🖥 RENOVATING THE HEART WEBINAR REPLAY - Featuring Gary Moon, Natasha Sistrunk Robinson, and Jane Willard. Hosted by Carolyn Arends. Produced by Monty Harrington.


Renovation of the Heart, Week Two

Weekly Reading:

📖 Welcome to our second reading week of Renovation of the Heart. This week, we invite you to read Chapters 3 & 5 — as well as Gary Moon’s helpful guide to these chapters (linked below).

💬 . 

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NEW RESOURCES (click the green links to access)

📖 Read: Gary Moon’s Guide for Chapters 3 – 5: Overcoming Radical Evil with Pervasive Goodness 

🎧 Listen: Carolyn Arends and Gary Moon on the first podcast for Renovation of the Heart To download MP3, click the three dots above.

👉 To add this private podcast to your Apple Podcasts app for the 2021 – 22 Book Club season, please view the instructions HERE .

Renovation of the Heart, Week Three

Weekly Reading:

📖 Welcome to our third reading week of Renovation of the Heart. This week, we invite you to read the Interlude as well as Chapters 6 & 7. Justin and Margaret Campbell have provided a helpful guide to these chapters (linked below).

Renovation of the Heart, Week Four

Weekly Reading:

📖 Welcome to our fourth reading week of Renovation of the Heart. This week, we invite you to read Chapter 8. Jonathan Bailey has provided a helpful guide to this chapter (linked below).

Renovation of the Heart, Week Five

Weekly Reading:

📖 Welcome to our fifth reading week of Renovation of the Heart. This week, we invite you to read Chapter 9. Lacy Finn Borgo has provided a helpful guide to this chapter (linked below).

💬 . 

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NEW RESOURCES (click the green links to access)

📖 Read: Lacy Finn Borgo’s Guide for Chapter 9: God Got a Body 

🎉 Bonus Article: Matter Matters” by Carolyn Arends 

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Renovation of the Heart, Week Six

Weekly Reading:

📖 Welcome to our sixth reading week of Renovation of the Heart. This week, we invite you to read Chapter 10. Tina Dyer has provided a helpful guide to this chapter (linked below).

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NEW RESOURCE (click the green link to access)

📖 Read: Tina Dyer’s Guide for Chapter 10: Assault and Withdrawal: Transforming our Social Dimension 

Renovation of the Heart, Week Seven

Weekly Reading:

📖 Welcome to our seventh reading week of Renovation of the Heart. This week, we invite you to read Chapter 11. James Catford has provided a helpful guide to this chapter (linked below).

Renovation of the Heart, Week Eight

Weekly Reading:

📖 Welcome to our eighth and final reading week of Renovation of the Heart. This week, we invite you to read Chapters 12 & 13 as well as the Postlude. Jean Nevills and Richella Parham provide our supplemental guides for this week (linked below).

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NEW RESOURCES (click the green links to access)

📖 Read: Jean Nevills’s Guide for Chapter 12: Becoming Children of Light [In a Dental Office] 

📖 Read: Richella Parham’s Guide for Chapter 13 & Postlude: Spiritual Formation in the Local Congregation 

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