
Global Expressions

Renovaré Around the World

Since Renovaré’s earliest days, God has inspired local expressions of Renovaré’s mission to draw people closer to God in countries around the world. Each of these local ministries is self-governed and financially self-sufficient. Renovaré US cheers them on as co-laborers in bringing the with-God life to all people.

Partner Renovare Uk

Renovaré Britain and Ireland

Renovaré Britain and Ireland was established in 2001. In Britain and Ireland, the first Chair was James Catford, Group Chief Executive of Bible Society. In 2011, Joe Davis was appointed as Renovaré UK’s first Advocate and Speaker. Among the new initiatives developed in the UK is the Life Streams booklet, the UK edition of the original Spiritual Formation Workbook.

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Renovaré Korea

Led by Brian Kang: Director of Renovaré Korea, Brian serves both English and Korean speaking Christians from diverse backgrounds, being a bridge connecting Christians to Renovaré in Korea and the United States. Brian, his wife Yoon, and three children live in Korea.

Rhythm Of Life

Rhythm of Life: Renovaré South Africa

Rhythm of Life partners with individuals, churches and organisations to develop growth, discipleship, balance and fullness of life. We have a passion for following Jesus and integrating the missional and spiritual formation worlds.

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Renovaré Canada

  • Renovaré Canada seeks to teach about the necessity of grace, the means of grace, the availability of God’s kingdom and the centrality of Scripture in spiritual formation. 

  • Renovaré Canada imagines a world where people’s lives flourish as they increasingly become like Jesus because Christian spiritual formation is clearly understood and widely practiced.

  • Renovaré Canada is a community of Christians who model, resource and advocate fullness of life with God, experienced by grace, through the spiritual practices of Jesus and the historical church.

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