I am so glad you have chosen to visit this website. I hope you will find something here that will help you in your day-to-day living. We all have genuine needs and tremendous challenges, and I trust that you will find here the resources and the inspiration to help you go “from strength to strength”—from the strength you now have to the strength that is yet to come.
My personal experience and conviction is that Jesus Christ is alive and here among us and he stands ready and able to guide you in every step of your life journey. You may already be committed to the Way of Jesus. On the other hand, you may have little faith or none. Yet again, you may be deeply bruised and broken by the pressures of life. Indeed, you may be experiencing all these realities of life. It doesn’t matter. Jesus will journey with you every step of your way . . . all you need do is ask.
Enjoy. Explore. Download whatever you desire. As you do my prayer is that you will continually deepen and thicken in the “life and that more abundant” which Jesus promises to all who trust in him.
Peace and joy,
Richard J. Foster