Dallas Willard believed it was possible to live a life without fear, a life without lack. A new book by that name is now available from the late philosopher and writer. It is based on a series of talks on Psalm 23 Dallas gave at his home church. Nathan talks about the book with Dallas’ daughter Rebecca, and with Jan Johnson who worked closely with him.
Get more information on Jan Johnson’s Life Without Lack course. And more information about Dallas Willard on his website or the Dallas Willard Center website.
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Rebecca Willard Heatley has been engaged in furthering the work of Dallas Willard since becoming his ministry assistant in January of 2000. Her work includes establishing Dallas’ website (www.DWillard.org) in 2001, assembling the articles collected in The Great Omission (2006), transcribing and editing The Allure of Gentleness (2015), and co-editing Life Without Lack (2018 with Larry Burtoft). Her ministry efforts also include working with Dallas Willard Ministries to expand the visibility of Dallas’ work, helping with the efforts of the Dallas Willard Research Center and serving on the board of the Apprentice Institute.
Jan Johnson is a writer, speaker and spiritual director who holds degrees in Christian education and spirituality. She's written numerous books, including Meeting God in Scripture: A Hands-on Guide to Lectio Divina. Recently Jan created an online course based on Dallas Willard's book, Life Without Lack.