Here are some resources mentioned in Waiting Together: Advent Songs and Stories

webcast conversation between Steve Bell, Malcolm Guite, and Carolyn Arends.


  • Early Bird Tickets for our annual First Love Pastors retreat are on sale until January 16th.


    Webinar Recording without ads

    Countdown Song

    Steve Bell Resources

    Malcolm Guite Resources

    Resources recommended by Carolyn Arends

    Other Resources Mentioned in the Webinar and Chat:

    • Quote: Advent! A holy season in which we connect again with our inconsolable longing,’ as C.S. Lewis called it — our yearning for the One who is to come and is also, mysteriously, the One who has come already — come as a child, come as a fellow-sufferer, come as Saviour, and yet whose coming, already achieved, we hold at bay from ourselves, so that we have to learn afresh each year, even each day, how to let Him come to us again. — Malcolm Guite

    • The Weight of Glory by CS Lewis