Download a ZIP file with high-resolution artwork and slide graphics.

Resources from the webinar:

    Some reminders from Vivianne David:

    • We show up expectant, but with no agenda. We anticipate God showing up, and showing us whatever it is he’d like to do in and through us in our time of prayer.

    • Stay with the image, regardless of whether or not you feel” something happening right away. There is something beautiful about faithfully waiting with that space, having dedicated it to God as a time of prayer.

    • Notice what draws your attention, what invites you into the image— let that become a space for conversation with Christ.

    • Notice what sort of emotions arise as you stay with the image. How does it awaken desire? Let these emotions lead you back to continued dialogue with God.

    • Wordless prayer is a tender space that engages our senses in new ways. Be generous with yourself if you find yourself in a new space that you can’t describe. 

    • You might consider debriefing your Visio Divina prayer time with a spiritual director or close spiritual companion.

    More resources to explore:

    Introduction to Praying With Art” by Shaleen Camery-Hoggatt, shared by our friends at Conversatio. This article describes how art can be a means of grace that helps us listen, respond, and be transformed by God. At the end of the article there are some simple and helpful directions for praying with sacred art given under the heading Visio Divina: A Brief Approach.

    Visual Commentary on Scripture: This massive online collection of art has been curated as a visual tool for encountering the Bible. In the pattern of the ancient commentary tradition (three voices analyzing and interpreting a text), VCS brings together three works of art to help the viewer consider the meaning and application of a Bible passage. The digital exhibits also include written commentary from theologians and art historians. While the VCS employs art more as a tool for interpretation than devotion, many of the images would also work well for Visio Divina.

    Sacred Art Pilgrimage: A website developed by art lover and journalist John Kohan shares visual art from around the world to help viewers see with the eyes of the heart.” Kohan delves into the icon art from Lviv, Ukraine (including the image we shared) in this article.