Here are some resources mentioned in the Formational Fiction Round-Up: Stories That Shape Our Souls webcast conversation between Karen Swallow Prior, Patricia Raybon, Terry Glaspey, Justine Olawsky, and Carolyn Arends.

Webinar Recording without ads

Countdown Song

Resources Recommended by Karen Swallow Prior

Resources recommended by Patricia Raybon

  • Resources and additional recommended fiction:
    • Robert McKee: Story: Substance, Structure, Style and the Principles of Screenwriting

      • Quote: Master storytellers give us the double-edged encounter we crave. First, the discovery of a world we do not know…Second, once inside this alien world, we find ourselves. Deep within these characters and their conflicts, we discover our own humanity. We go to the movies to enter a new, fascinating world, to inhabit vicariously another human being who at first seems so unlike us and yet at heart is like us, to live in a fictional reality that illuminates our daily reality. We do not wish to escape life but to find life, to use our minds in fresh, experimental ways, to flex our emotions, to enjoy, to learn, to add depth to our days. Story was written to foster films of archetypal power and beauty that will give the world this dual pleasure.” – Robert McKee, Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting”

    • Kenneth Burke: Equipment for Living: The Literary Reviews of Kenneth Burke

    • Flannery O’Connor: A Prayer Journal

    • Victor Hugo: Les Miserables

    • Upton Sinclair: The Jungle

    • Willa Cather: My Antonia

    • Sandra Cisneros: Caramelo

    • Books by Ernest J Gaines

    • Books by Alice Walker

  • Patricia’s Website

  • Patricia on Social Media: Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

Resources recommended by Terry Glaspey

Resources mentioned by Justine Olawsky

Recommended Fiction:

Resources and additional recommended fiction:

Justine Olawsky on Goodreads

Other Resources Mentioned in the Webinar and Chat:

The resources mentioned below have not been reviewed or endorsed by Renovaré. 

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