In Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount,” Jesus issues another invitation. It is an invitation to enter” and to find.” Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Matt. 7:13 – 14).

Wide gate. Broad road. Don’t enter here,” Jesus warns, though everyone else may be scurrying to get in.” Destruction awaits if you enter through this gate and walk this road,” or, in modern parlance, if you drive on it. 

To travel on this broad road demands nothing. It is well-paved. Every few miles a rest station appears. Occasionally one encounters a traffic light, but it is always green. Well, almost always. The lights do change to flashing yellow, but then quickly back to green. It’s convenient that the lights never turn red; at least not yet. There are no stop signs, no speed limits, no accidents. The road is comfortable, unclogged, easy to traverse. Traffic is always flowing well. Advertising bill boards are eye-catching, plentiful and diverting. Abundant entrance ramps effortlessly feed traffic on to the main road. 

Occasionally travelers are surprised by how few exits appear, but no matter. Why would we want to get off?” we ask ourselves. A twinge of uneasiness fitfully disturbs us when we ponder more deeply. Exactly where are we going?” Thankfully, these questions pass quickly. It’s such a nice drive,” we remind ourselves, and the weather is always good.” The broad road is easy,” as the King James Version translates Jesus’ words. Yet when we reach our destination, Jesus warns, the toll demanded will be high, higher than we could ever imagine, higher than we could ever pay.

Lord, I am tempted to take the path of least resistance. I don’t like it when things get hard. I like to walk in step with everyone else. I don’t like conflict. I don’t like people angry with me. Can’t we all just get along? Will things always be this hard? Sometimes, Lord, the broad road looks terribly inviting. Help me, Lord, for your mercy is great.”

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