From the Renovaré Newsletter Archive

The selection below is from a September 1992 Renovaré newsletter. Download a PDF of the original newsletter.

The Renovaré Mission

The Renovaré mission is exceptionally simple to state and infinitely complex to convert into reality. Renovaré is committed to working for the renewal of the Church of Jesus Christ in all her multifaceted expressions. Such renewal begins with every one of us as individuals and extends all the way to organizations and institutional structures. We want to fan the flames of renewal everywhere we can. Our goal is, like Sampson, to light the tails of the foxes and let them go!

We want Christians everywhere to live lives patterned after Jesus Christ – to do the kinds of disciplines Jesus did and to live the kind of life Jesus lived. In short, we want to convert Christians to the way of Christ!

Dynamic Spiritual Movements

And I believe God is raising up dynamic spiritual movements that are pleasing to him. People are thirsting as never before for a perpetual life of prayer and intimacy with the Abba of Jesus. They are seeking deeper purity of heart and life. They are living by a constant inner infusion of life and power from the Spirit of God. They are serving their neighbors out of the may I” of love rather than the must I” of duty. They are once again discovering Scripture as warm bread” fresh from the oven, and are sharing their faith with others as the Spirit opens the way.

That is the kind of thing I want to be a part of, don’t you! There are hundreds, if not thousands, of manifestations popping up everywhere and we at Renovaré want to encourage them all. Student movements, couples movements, singles movements, church-based movements, parachurch-based movements, missions-based movements. May God bless each of them and may they always know Christ as their life!

Connecting With the Movement of God

The Renovaré covenant – with its accompanying disciplines and examination questions – is our way of helping people begin connecting with the movement of God. We view commitment to the covenant as a crossroads decision, a sacred altar call. If you have never made that commitment, I urge you to do so today. Further, I encourage you to begin meeting regularly with one or two others to nurture and encourage one another in your covenant commitment. God can use this simple act to help build Paul’s words into your life, inwardly we are being renewed day by day” (2 Cor. 4:16).

Peace and joy,

Richard J. Foster

Text First Published September 1992