Introductory Note:

I am obsessed with the details of Jesus’s humility—the who, what, where, when, why, and how of it. Jesus wasn’t born in a palace, but a cave. And the first people to find out about Jesus the Messiah’s birth were shepherds—those on the lowest rung of society. Angels hovering in the heavens amid God’s glorious light announced Jesus’s birth to them. Why them? Moreover, Jesus grew up in the backwater town of Nazareth instead of Rome, Alexandria, or Antioch—the biggest cities of his time. I am continually struck by how Jesus often preferred to serve and interact with those that others rendered invisible. My deep desire is to be like him. Today, Flemish mystic John Russbroec, teaches us a little more about humility, the foundational virtue.

Marlena Graves

Excerpt from The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage

Now consider this: as we have laid down humility as a foundation, so therefore we shall speak of humility first.

Humility, that is lowliness or self-abasement, is an inward bowing down or prostrating of the heart and of the conscience before God’s transcendent worth. Righteousness demands and orders this, and through charity a loving heart cannot leave it undone. 

When a lowly and loving man considers that God has served him so humbly, so lovingly, and so faithfully; and sees God so high, and so mighty, and so noble, and man so poor, and so little, and so low: then there springs up within the humble heart a great awe and a great veneration for God. For to pay homage to God by every outward and inward act, this is the first and dearest work of humility, the most savory among those of charity, and most meet among those of righteousness. The loving and humble heart cannot pay homage enough, either to God or to His noble manhood, nor can it abase itself as much as it would. And that is why a humble man thinks that his worship of God and his lowly service are always falling short. 

And he is meek, reverencing Holy Church and the sacraments. And he is discreet in food and drink, in speech, in the answers which he makes to everybody; and in his behavior, dress, and lowly service he is without hypocrisy and without pretense. 

And he is humble in his devotions, both outwardly and inwardly, before God and before all men, so that none are offended because of him. 

And so he overcomes and casts out Pride, which is the source and origin of all other sins. 

By humility the snares of the devil, and of sin, and of the world, are broken, and man is set in order, and established in the very condition of virtue. And heaven is opened to him, and God stoops to hear his prayers, and he is fulfilled with grace. And Christ, that strong rock, is his foundation. Whosoever therefore grounds his virtues in humility, he shall never err.