Introductory Note:

In order to spend time with friends and family and in rest and worship this Christmastide, we are closing the Renovaré offices December 23—January 1. We will be back to daily postings beginning on January 2.

We wish you Christmas joy and every blessing of the season.

Renovaré Team

Sleep now, little one.
I’ll watch while you and your mother sleep.
I wish I could do more.
This straw is not good enough for you.

Back in Nazareth I’ll make a proper bed for you of seasoned wood, smooth, strong, well-pegged. 

A bed fit for a carpenter’s son. 

Just wait till we get back to Nazareth.
I’ll teach you everything I know.

You’ll learn to choose the cedar wood, eucalyptus and fir. You’ll learn to use the drawshave, ax and saw. 

Your arms will grow strong, your hands rough – like these. You will bear the pungent smell of new wood and wear shavings and sawdust in your hair. 

You’ll be a man whose life centers on hammer and nails and wood. 

But for now,
Sleep, little Jesus, sleep.

Ron Klug, Joseph’s Lullaby,” Decision, December 1973.