Help Us Widen Who’s at the Table
Would you consider joining us in shaping the next beautiful and multi-faceted cohorts of the RI? Please make your tax-deductible contribution on this page.
We are determined to be responsible stewards of your generous sacrificial giving. Read our financial guidelines.
We believe that all funds for the work of Renovaré are given sacrificially, and we are determined to be responsible stewards of this generosity. Our financial guidelines include:
- We urge everyone to give first to their local church (or wherever they are being nurtured spiritually) and to the poor before giving to Renovaré.
- We never sell or rent the mailing list of our supporters. Neither will we give these mailing lists to other organizations or individuals — no matter who they may be. This includes emails, addresses and phone numbers.
- We work within our means.
- We believe in full disclosure at all times. Our financial reports are available to anyone upon request.
- We communicate our financial needs clearly and truthfully.
- We receipt all donations of $10 or more.
- We fully subscribe to data protection requirements.
- When we make a purchase, we will pay the bill within thirty days.
- If books, materials, or other resources are offered for a suggested donation, we receipt the amount given above the retail price of the product plus shipping and handling costs.
- An annual independent review of our books is performed with the submission of our 990 form, and an accountant oversees our financial records in accord with accepted accounting procedures and the highest professionalism.
- We believe Renovaré was initiated and continues to be sustained by God. While we are eager to follow the Divine whisper at every turn and work with all our might, it is God’s business and not ours to prosper or end the work of Renovaré. We rejoice either way.
If you have any questions related to Renovaré finances or financial reporting, or to request a copy of our latest 990 form, please email us at [email protected].
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