Renovaré | Renovaré Gift Acceptance Policy

Renovaré Gift Acceptance Policy


It is with sincere gratitude and appreciation that Renovaré welcomes donations and gifts from individuals and groups who partner with us in pursuit of our mission. This Board of Trustees policy spells out the parameters for our acceptance of gifts and provides guidance to donors and their advisors. We encourage prospective donors to seek tax and legal advice in matters relating to potential gifts.


Renovaré USA is a Christian nonprofit that models, resources, and advocates fullness of life with God experienced, by grace, through the spiritual practices of Jesus and of the historical Church.

Christian in commitment, ecumenical in breadth, and international in scope, Renovaré helps people in becoming more like Jesus.

Solicitation, Sources, Definitions & Receipting of Gifts

Renovaré is committed to acting with responsibility and transparency in the solicitation and acceptance of gifts. Members of the Board, Ministry Team, volunteers, staff, and those designated by management may solicit gifts from individuals, churches, foundations, corporations, and other private funding sources to promote the sustainability and mission of Renovaré. We will only accept contributions from individuals and groups whose activities and goals align with our mission (missional alignment). Contributions must be for uses consistent with our stated goals and mission. Gifts will not be accepted when the source of a potential gift is unknown, or when there is reason to believe an asset derives from illegal activities.

This policy does not apply to the acceptance of grants. It also does not apply to “donations,” defined here as unrestricted cash-like contributions under $10,000 that are not bequests. A “gift” in this policy is defined as: 1) any contribution of $10,000 or more, 2) any non-liquid contribution, 3) any contribution with donor-initiated restrictions, or 4) any bequest. We will ensure that donors receive a receipt or acknowledgment appropriate for the type of accepted gift in a timely manner.

Gift Acceptance

Renovaré, or a designated intermediary in the case of non-liquid gifts, must be listed as the recipient of the gift. Contributions cannot be recognized if they are made out to an individual, even if the person is affiliated with Renovaré.

Management is empowered to accept any liquid gifts in the form of cash (cash, credit card, etc.) or readily marketable securities in any amount if a gift’s missional alignment and any donor restrictions fall within the parameters of this policy. Management will consult with and obtain approval of the Board in cases that give rise to questions. Any accepted gift in the form of a readily marketable security shall be converted to cash as soon as is practically possible.

For non-liquid gifts, which can include real estate, business interests, trusts, estates, life insurance, intellectual property, and others, Renovaré reserves the right to employ the services of a likeminded intermediary such as the FreeWill Impact Fund or National Christian Foundation to conduct the evaluation, transfer, valuation, sale, and receipting or acknowledgment of such gifts under consideration.

Management is empowered to accept non-liquid gifts of $100,000 or less if a gift’s missional alignment and any donor restrictions fall within the parameters of this policy. Management will consult with and obtain approval of the Board in cases that give rise to questions.

Management will obtain Board approval for the acceptance of any non-liquid gifts of more than $100,000, providing the Board with the relevant information for making an acceptance decision.

Donor-restricted Gifts

Renovaré accepts donor-restricted gifts for specified initiatives or purposes that correspond with our mission and priorities. The following conditions apply to the acceptance of donor-restricted gifts:

  • Donors are to be provided with a copy of or link to this policy and acknowledge their acceptance of its terms electronically or in writing for each potential gift.
  • Donors will provide Renovaré the full text of all provisions and restrictions related to any potential gift at the beginning of the acceptance evaluation process.
  • An assessment equal to 10% of each accepted gift’s value will be allocated toward defraying Renovaré’s general overhead expenses as a contribution toward overall sustainability.
  • The planned use of the potential gift must be for a period of seven years or less unless it is for an expendable fund for purposes such as contingencies or operations. In certain cases, and with Board approval, a gift can go toward a long-term fund for ongoing annual financial support.
  • A gift must not be overly restrictive in the evaluation of Renovaré’s management.
  • Renovaré will make its best efforts to utilize the gift for its designated purposes but may recast any remaining funds to a closely matching purpose with Board approval if the original intent is no longer practical, necessary, or able to be performed.
  • In the case of Renovaré's dissolution or realignment donors agree for gifts to be used with Board approval for similar purposes at other formation ministries or for organizational restructuring.



For otherwise unrestricted bequests, Renovaré’s management in consultation with the Board will provide donors with multiple options for assigning assets to be bequeathed toward Board-governed funds with significant missional impact.

Conflict of Interest

Members of the Board, Ministry Team, volunteers, staff, and those designated by management will be intentional about avoiding the appearance of or actual conflict of interest between themselves and prospective donors.

Donor Privacy

Renovaré will protect the privacy of its gift donors. We will honor requests for anonymity to the extent legally and practically possible. Unless a donor provides permission, all donor-supplied information will be used solely to fulfill their donation and will not be shared without donor consent. Donors may request their names to be removed from Renovaré’s mailing list by mail, email, or phone.

Adopted by the Renovaré Board January 2024