Renovaré | 2024-25 Book Club Coordinator Info
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Thanks for your interest in becoming a Renovaré Book Club Coordinator!

A Book Club Group Coordinator is someone who agrees to be the “point person” for local or online meet-ups of the Renovaré Book Club during the 2024-25 Season  (September-April). Most groups meet once a month.

Please read the info below to decide if you'd like to become a coordinator, then click the register button at the bottom.

This Season’s Books

  1. Worth Celebrating by Mimi Dixon
  2. Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster
  3. The Narrow Path by Rich Villodas
  4. Abandonment to Divine Providence by Jean-Pierre de Caussade

Coordinator Requirements:

  1. A willingness to make your contact info (first name, email, and general region) available to any registered Book Club member.
  2. A commitment to facilitate one in-person or virtual meeting of Book Club members for each month of the Book Club (September-April)—eight total meetings. 
    • It's very helpful if you can pre-set the day and time you plan to be meeting each month (e.g., “The third Tuesday of each month at 7pm CT.”) This helps members know whether they will be able to participate in your group.  (If you're still not entirely sure about the day and time, please enter your best guess. We will note that all dates and times are subject to change.)
  3. A commitment to read all four books of the season, keep up with the assigned reading schedule, and be prepared to facilitate the conversation at the meet-up. (We'll provide discussion prompts.)
  4. A commitment to communicate promptly and effectively with those in your group. (This can be through email, text, group chat, and/or the online Book Club forum—whatever works best for you and the group.)
  5. A commitment to keep your meet-up (whether in-person or online) open only to members of the Book Club.

What do I get when I sign up?

  • Handbook and materials for sharing the club
  • Access to a coordinators-only space in our online platform
  • An invitation to a coordinators-only Zoom meeting on Tuesday, August 27th at 10am Pacific

What is the schedule?

  • Books 1 and 2: Sep 23 – Dec 12 (break week Nov 25 for U.S. Thanksgiving)
  • Book 3: Jan 6 – Feb 21
  • Book 4: Feb 24 – Apr 11

Sound like a good fit?

Great! Tap the button below to get started.